@Tom looks like you want to increase EV (exposure value) basically the camera is not metering your tank efficiently due to the band of light sand so a bit of plus EV should bring the exposure up a tad. Just don't over expose the sand!
i think you go onto the menu then it should be on there somewhere, it is called bracketing (if it is like mine!). i have mine set at +-1EV as it gets the largest range of exposure.
That Looks better! Im going to have to have a go at that although I will prob use tinfoil, just out of interest how did you stick it down?
Just out of interest would the reflective surfaces also reflect the heat from the lights back into the tank possibly making a small difference to the amount of work the heater has to do?
heres some pics of the wood, held down by rocks at the moment. it is kind of in the position that i want it but like i said it wasnt as big as i was expecting so i think i will order another piece.
plant wise, im thinking grasy plants in the left corner spreading along the back of the tank a bit, anuabius attached to the wood, then some kind of carpeting plant around the base of the wood and spreading into the bare areas of the tank. on the right hand side i might make some sort of rock feature with a few little caves. i want to keep it looking really natural and airey, or should i say watery.
fishless cycle still coming along. nitrite still really high but nitrates are rising.
stocking wise im thinking:
4 angles
2 gouramis (the larger ones)
20-30 rummynose tetras
4 bristlenose plecs
5 pitbull plecs
8 corydoras
2 german blue rams
taking 2 days to process 5ppm of ammonia, nitrite still of the chart but nitrate was going up but has gone down again tonight dont know why. oh well i think im on day 12 so at about the half way point