Thanks everyone, the tank is not going in the same place as the present reef tank. This is deliberate as I did not want a room that looked like Bens when he swapped over. What this also means is that I get to spend a little time making sure the plumbing is ok and I may paint the back of the tank in this time also. Once the tank is here I can sort out the Durso and the rest of the plumbing as I am not sure on hole sizes or anything like that until it is here.
My father in law bless him is going to borrow the works van to get it up here to me and has been a star in agreeing to fetch it for me. He comes back from Devon tommorrow so I will be on the phone giving him a list of do's and don'ts as long as his arm. The mother in law is going to supervise aswell so she will get the instructions as to how I want the tank wrapped for moving etc.
Will keep everything else for the new journal though, ther is bound to be story to getting this tank up here wherever the father in law is concerned.