Thats looking nice for the short time its been running TI

Nice wrasse too(oooo-errr Mrs

You have quite a few stinging/vicious corals in a small area though, so you will have to keep a keen eye on it all, especially as they grow,frogspawn for example can grow at an alarming rate when its happy(brilliant for trading in a few heads at your LFS though

) and bubbles have really long tentacles(looks like your leather may be in range).
All in all, its looking good
Thanks Johnny, I am keeping an eye on the stingers, will be trying to keep them non stinging, it may mean me moving some that sting a little closer together. I have some that make good neighbours so can move them a little closer. The space between the leather and bubble is quite deceptive in the photos and is about 5", as soon as the leather gets larger and therefore closer it will be fragged. When there is a bit more growth on the two star polyps I will move those a little more to the side of the rock and secure with epoxy, which will make them further from the
If I start to have problems, I can always break the rock up and go for a complete rescape taking into account where I will be wanting to place those that sting. I see this as a natural progression at some point as I wanted it to look as full as possible as I was adding to it and will see it evolve as I find the next corals I want.
I am really looking forward to being able to frag and exchange aswell, my lfs is perfectly happy to do that, she does not get too many frags at all. I should have leather, pom pom xenia and at least the frogspawn that will be able to be fragged in a short space of time. There are some expensive corals I have my eye on so this will bring their prices down.
Oh Tina, what a gorgeous fish
Seffie x
He is gorgeous, he has done alot of flaring again today, he is convinced there is another male coming through the side of the tank, he actually keeps ramming the side whilst flared to get rid of his rival. He is also eating very well, swims all over chasing the food, so that is good too. Not sure where he slept last night, he did try to evict the goby from his cave however the goby had other ideas, that was when he flared the brightest, the irredescence was amazing.
Nice pics mate, i did not realise you were so far on with the tank, its looking great
I have been adding something every week, allowed alot of time between adding fish but added at least one coral a week sometimes two or a group of frags. It is surprising how they have fit very well and created a more full look. The coraline is starting to grow now aswell so I must be doing something right.
The other thing is

both for the compliments and the help with achieving what is there so far. It is nice to be able to sit back for a while and watch, I will add things much slower now as I want to see how what I have starts to grow and whether, as I said earlier, I need to move anything about before adding anything else. Having said that, I am going to the shop that sells 2 corals for £40 tommorrow as their salt is the cheapest around here. Who knows whether there will be something I cannot resist