Tina's Nano Journal

I am seriously thinking once they have settled in in a month or two of fragging that centre white mushroom. Have read about fragging them and if I cut it from the rock leaving part there, that will grow back then I can pizza slice the disc and get a few more.

Never know Trod, if I do that there may be some frags to swap!!

Oh oh oh, I'll be waiting :drool:
Actually, it's definitely a Plerogyra. I have a small Physogyra and it looks nothing like yours.

Thanks for that ski, was not really sure.

Oh oh oh, I'll be waiting

Not a problem, I really want more of that too. I will probably do a few of the others at the same time too. It will have difficulty soon if I don't there are that many on the rock. Clowns will probably hate me for a while too.
Thanks seffie :good:

Really could do with getting a few things from LFS but I am reluctant to go in incase I come out with something else, I can't help it, the corals she stocks are amazing. The next time she has a Duncanopsammia in or a nice Torch they are mine, see there I go again, I won't be able to resist. There are a few more I want as aswell, if I see them I don't know whether I will resist. I am trying to be good and wait a while, honest.

I must order my Flasher Wrasse too.

More Good news, My HOB refugium has come this morning. Just waiting for the extra water to be ready then it will all be connected up!! :good:
I'm liking that Bubble Coral, may get myself one of those, a small one
I got some real nice Duncans from here Tina
I'm liking that Bubble Coral, may get myself one of those, a small one
I got some real nice Duncans from here Tina

Thanks Big C. The feeding tentacles that came out last night were the longest I had seen them yet, it must be settling nicely. (have read the day time ones don't sting but the night ones do). I tried to photograph them but I need a tripod, I keep shaking the camera and under moonlights the shutter speed needs to be really low.

I am actually watching a Duncan from there on Ebay. Quite a good price, I think the price is per head (though that may be another one I was watching) which if it is I may go two or three head. I like their similarity to an anemone without actually being a nem that would give me heart attack.

Must tell you about my mishap whilst connecting the refugium. To cut a long story short, I managed to pump water onto the main electricity sockets for both of my aquariums. It tripped the RCD on the fuse box so luckily everything was safe. The unfortunate thing was that my other half (dosy as he is) had put the drawer unit the tank sits on too close to the plug socket so I could not unplug the plugs (hence no electric).

Luckily my next door neighbour is an electrician and a big bloke (we also bought the house off him after he slpit his in two, he did all the electrics). He used a crowbar to gently ease the unit away from the sockets so they could be unplugged and had to redo all the plugs to get the water out. After an hour we finally managed to get both tanks back on. My leather was not a happy bunny at this point, either were the clowns who were cowering in the mushrooms. When the other half gets home tonight the neighbour will help him reposition everything and then the other half is going to get the beating of his life :devil: Although knowing him he will probably like it :blush:

My next job is the electrics around the tank, I am going to wire up some switches so that I do not have bare plugs about the place. My next door neighbour is going to tell me later exactly what I need and he will check everything for me before I use it. Apparetly there is no point having an RCD type thing next to the tank as if you have one on the fuse box another can interfere with it.

However, I now have my refugium conneted and everything appears to be working well. Will keep an eye on this.
Thanks Ben, I have been using the latin names purely because when I read THE BOOK I noticed that 2 or 3 completely different corals have the same common names. By using the latin there is no confusion, there can be only one coral I am talking about.

I work with latin at work with bacteria names, it is starting to come naturally as I know alot of the prefix and suffix meanings, I won't go into anymore. Just wish I had had the opportunity to do it when at school, its more logical than french, german or spanish.
i always thought they were scientific names beacuase they use a mixture of latin, greek n made up words =] could be wrong though but i sed to get told off for calling them latin!

edit: i agree with the use though i try for fish, not devled to far into the corals ones though!
It usually all stems from latin. Even most European languages stemmed from latin. The made up bits end up with a latin suffix or prefix added on to them. Technically yes its scientific however it all stems from latin anyway.
I have managed to get that relationship with my camera back.

Changed some settings and I could not stop.

First up my new addition, the refugium. It houses my V2 120 Nano skimmer along with phosphate remover and carbon. There are seperate sections but this is where they fit.



I am happy to get the skimmer going full time, due to my hood, I had only been running it overnight when any gaps were filled with eggcrate.

Next up we have feeding time




These are the new Shrimp Tutankhamun, he moulted Sunday.


Cheops with Seti in his favourite observation hang out.


Seti has started to allow me close to the tank when perched like this, without him zooming back into the cave behind.


All fish and shrimp viewable in this pic.


Taken with Moonlights on Monday night, they managed to break on me with Tuesdays nightmare.


And not forgetting

The Bubble with its feeding tentacles out, the longest they have been yet, not there for very long either.


Hope you enjoyed them, I daresay there will be more very soon.
After the incident with the electric, most of the corals are sulking to some degree.
Hopefully be back to normal very soon. :good:

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