Very nice tank, may I ask what lights you are running, is it still 4 t5 tube's?
It is actually 4 T8 tubes, 2 white and 2 blue (1 arcadia actinic, 1 marine glow actinic). Everything seems to be doing really great under them too, may be the shallowness of the tank.
Thanks, I am working very hard with it, battled the green water and come out the other side.
Wow you can totally see the before-after UV difference there with the green water. Looks great so far TI, love that bubble
Thanks Ski, that is down to you remember. Am going to leave the UV running for a week or so, just to make sure it does not come back.
Would you know from the picture if it is
Physogyra lichtensteini as I suspect or a
Plerogyra. At night when the lights are out the skeleton looks maze like, this is mainly why I am leaning towards
Physogyra from pictures in THE BOOK.
I am going to get the Flasher wrasse ordered, think it may take a few weeks to get, by the time it arrives then I should be ready for the next fish.
Am really pleased the clownfish adopted the mushrooms although the male had a good rub on the bottom hammer after feeding last night and made the polyps shrink, little swine. He seemed to really enjoy doing it then once the polyps had retracted a certain amount he went off back to the mushrooms. They don't stray far from them now, I love looking at them at night, they are cuddled together male on the right and female on the left, always in the same part of the mushroom.
I am seriously thinking once they have settled in in a month or two of fragging that centre white mushroom. Have read about fragging them and if I cut it from the rock leaving part there, that will grow back then I can pizza slice the disc and get a few more.
Never know Trod, if I do that there may be some frags to swap!!