Fish Crazy
that is a lovely site ponygirl
Off-topic, but what a fantastic website you have there it must have been really hard work.Pics of my kitty Benny are on my website should you like to see them though it's actually kind of tough to tell he's missing a leg. The Funny Farm
glad to hear misty is doing ok!its really suprising isnt it how fast they learn to cope with out a leg.they just sort of get on with it as if nothings up,dont they!?cats are amazing creatures,so resilient.misty looks really happy & the vets have done a great job.a hint for giving cats tablets...wrap them up as tightly as possible in a big bath towel (wrap it round & round them) so there legs are unable to move.then 1 person hold them whle the other shoves the tablet down there throat.much easier than having your hands torn to shreds,lol!!!
keep us informed of his antics as he starts to heal & gets use to having 3 legs. shaz
Louise and Bloo, thanks for the compliments. Now if only I could get time to work on it some more there is a lot of new stuff going on. For instance, we had to move in April to a new house and we're expecting in October and haven't had a chance to put any of that on. Anyway, thanks!
Rich, glad to hear that the kitty is doing so well. I was going to give the towel advice as well but hiding it in the food is much simpler if it works. I think the only problem I've had with Ben losing his leg is that he can no longer scratch his ear and stuff on that side but he still tries. It's so sad to see his phantom leg going and his head's all tilted like he's scratching it but it just doesn't work. I often give him a good ear rub and make sure to check for any fleas or anything on that side since he can't take care of those things himself anymore. Misty lost the same leg as Ben so she might have the same issue.