This is why i hate little fluffy dogs


Smily this!
Apr 21, 2004
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Melbourne Australia.
The other night me and my g/f were going for our nightly walk with our dog Sires who is a Rottie, we came upto a street and he sat like he does at every street then all the sudden these 2 fluffy dumb litlte muts come running upto him barking, of course of our dog wants to go at them and fight, we got him across the road and i threw a stick at them and charged at them, they ran off. The owner was abit further back and seen what happend and i could tell he wasnt happy with me but i said what? do you want you dogs killed? again because its a big dog its going to get put down because its stonger? our dog is on a leash and its owners are walking it, your dogs are running the street by them selfs without a leash and with out there owner next to them but yet its our dogs fault because its stonger? i dont understand the law sometimes really, if our dog was to kill those muts and get put down because of it i think i would loose the plot and do somthing dumb.
Vip, you have no idea how much I understand. I have four dogs, a rottie, a boxer, a doberman, and a bulldog, and they are always on leashes if there is any chance that we may encounter another dog. I am nearly terrified the entire time that we walk that someone's dog who is not on a leash will come up and be attacked. My dogs aren't ones to get into fights, but they will protect me, each other, and themselves. It just makes me sick that my dogs could be destroyed over someone else's carlessness :grr: :-(
I dont particularly like pople haveing dogs that were bred to attack people (rottis and dobermans mainly Germain sheperds were made to herd people) (I dont minf that guns exist because they cant kill me/maim me w/o someone pulling the trigger but these dogs dont have a trigger they can and were bred to just go off) but if a small dog attacs you YOU the pet owner are justified in killing it a good kick to he head will decommision any of these small dogs. and sorrel you should have your dogs on a leash whenever they are not fenced in while you may feel that they are good dogs they were bred for there ability and willingness to attack peoplewith the exception of the bull dog which was bred to fight bulls.
Our dogs are not bred to attack people, like what sorrell said they will protect us with there life as will a small dog, but the point is if a small dog attacks me it wont get put down because it cant really much, but our big cant do damage because they have the power, but the only time our dog wants to attack is when its provoked, those 2 little muts didnt provoke our dog but yet our dog would be in the wrong, why? i havnt got a clue seeing he was guarded by me and my girl while he was on a leash, i tell you now next time i see someone walking a little fluffy thing with no leash and im walking my dog i will give them a ear load. Even nici my g/f said it "And then people wonder why big dogs kill little ones" if i see someone walking a large dog on the street, simple i cross over cause i dont want to be attacked by it, if you were a dog and someone walks right upto your owner you are going to protect them no matter what, even a small dog would do the same.

PS: im not saying all dogs are bad i also have a staffieXlab and she is the most playing girl out there and she has never attacked anything or anyone and she loves meeting new people as well.
I don't really like the big nasty dogs, they bark and bite and most are wimps (the ones I've met)
On one Occasion I was walking up the street to get to my friends house and was confronted by a Bulldog. It kept barking and me and wouldn't let me pass. What I did was I stood real still and waited. It stopped barking and stood and stared at me. I then just shouted 'BOO' and It ran away tail between it's legs!! :p

And on 2 occasions one of my cat fended of (2-1st time) an Alsation because it wanted to attack her kitten(s). :flex:

I like some big dogs though and some little one just not the nasty annoying ones. :D
I love all dogs.

I hate when unleashed dogs run up to mine (he is always an a leash). I like it when I see Chicago police give out tickets ($75-125) to owners of unleashed dogs.
I totally agree with Vip and Sorrel. I have a Dalmation not what most people consider an "attack" breed, but he will protect me or my family when threatened. The other day my 4 yr old and I were walking him on a leash when three rat terriers who were loose came and started trying to engage him. One of the 3 yappers started trying to nip at my daughter, and our dog came unglued. The owners then appear (we were on a wooded walking trail) and start saying he is a vicious dog and should be contained, needs a muzzle etc, etc. I was furoius, but its not like I can write down their liscene plate to report them or anything. It made me so angry!!!
opcn-I think you misunderstood dogs are never off of a leash. It's other people who are irresponsible and let their dogs come up to mine that makes the situation unsafe.
I'd also like to add the roots of these "killer" breeds. Boxers were bred to hunt stag, Bulldogs were originated for bullbaiting, Dobermans were originated as home guardians and then developed as war dogs, Rottweilers were Roman herding dogs, and the so called pit bull was also a herding dog. None of these were bred to "kill people"

Also the number one biting breed is the German Shepard Dog holding 50% of the annual bites in the US. Second place is the pit bull with 8% and in third is the Golden Retriever. Does this surprise you? Now why do we not hate German Shepards or Golden Retrievers?

German Shepards are bred to bite. They are mainly used for herding and police work. If they can't bite in either of these professions they are useless. Yet we as a society know that German Shepards aren't inherently evil and we don't treat them as such. For some reason we do when it comes to the other "killer" breeds, halm of whom do not even make the dog bite statistic list.

This is my area of expertise and I enjoy giving speeches against breed ban laws and restrictions. If anyone would like for me to elaborate on any of this I would be glad to. :)
dogs are not born bad. It is people who shape them the way they are. yes, dogs have instincts, but they can be controlled to an extent. I don't know who I am with here. it is not the small dog's fault that they are on the lead and do not know any better. It is not you or your dog's fault that the smaller dogs were not on a leash.

and the comment that small dogs cannot reach to cause damage - they can. all dogs have the ability to damage a person if they are not controlled. My cousin was nearly bitten by a Jack Russell (my cousin is 10) the dog was off the lead and on the street alone. It doesnt allow children to pass. But does the dog know any better? when my uncle confronted the owner of the dog, he was adament that he would do nothing about it. Its the third time its gone for my cousin and he didnt approach it, it approached him. what do we do in this case? its very tricky. the dog has never been taught not to bite.
opcn said:
I dont particularly like pople haveing dogs that were bred to attack people (rottis and dobermans mainly Germain sheperds were made to herd people) (I dont minf that guns exist because they cant kill me/maim me w/o someone pulling the trigger but these dogs dont have a trigger they can and were bred to just go off) but if a small dog attacs you YOU the pet owner are justified in killing it a good kick to he head will decommision any of these small dogs. and sorrel you should have your dogs on a leash whenever they are not fenced in while you may feel that they are good dogs they were bred for there ability and willingness to attack peoplewith the exception of the bull dog which was bred to fight bulls.
No offence but you dont know what you are talking about. First off I cant speak for rotties and dobs because I have never had them. But German shepards were bred to herd sheep and cattle. Not people. And were not permitted to hurt the sheep, just basically watch them. Second of all Little dogs are usually viscious little things by nature. Rotties dobs and shepards are wonderful family dogs. I know how ya feel vip. My neighbor has a yappy little thing that growls at my dogs though the fence. My dogs just stand there and stare at him. But if he got through the fence somhow and bit my dog It would be the biggest mistake it ever made.
Ughhh the label "killer breeds" given to a dog just because they are large is rediculous. I know a lot of yippy pugs that would love nothing more then to rip me apart but they are too small. Just becaue of the size they are just "fiesty" and not killers. I think any size dog that wants to harm you should be a "killer DOG, not killer BREED". Makes me mad that some breeds are stereotyped by statistics. I know I'm throwing out a lot of thoughts here in no peticular order but whatever. I've had German Shepherds, Rotties, Great Danes, and a few other things. My relatives all have rotties and I've had 6 rotties throughout my life and none have ever tried to kill anyone. :/ Same goes for all of my other dogs, including the gsd. The only thing he killed were tennis balls.
dogs aren't bred as killers it's how their raised, sure there might be the few odd cases where you raise the dog peacefully and its still vicious but you can file that under crazy, it's all how their raised as puppies

i look at dogs as i look at humans, except they get to pee, poop and hump in public without getting in trouble lol

if your worried about unwatched dogs getting mauled by yours even if yours in on a leashed or something maybe its time to look into a mussle or however it's spelled, i know you shouldn't have to worry but hey better safe then sorry,

it should be a law for any larger dog to wear 1 when being taken out in public
I could not muzzle my dog every time I go in public. They are all big creampuffs. They cry nonstop when Iv muzzled them in the past. And I would want to cry for doing it to them. I dont feel Iv got any reason to muzzle them since they have never shown aggressive behaviour towards anyone. There is no such thing as a dangerous breed If there were we have to ban labs, and jack russels . Only dangerous and irresponsible people.

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