Thinking you have lost me... I know, My loss...

Wow. Just wow.
Yeah it’s a little harsh but study’s have shown that fish don’t really feel pain or at least not in the same way we do. People used to believe that fish only had a 3 second memory but it is now believed they have a 5 month memory. Sorry for throwing the fish under the bus a bit. I was just trying to make the point that we can never make the perfect habitat for fish and it ok but there are a few things you want to avoid.
study’s have shown that fish don’t really feel pain or at least not in the same way we do
This question can come off as confrontational, and I want to be clear, I am not trying to be here. I am genuinely interested in whether or not you have a source for this?

It's only because my understanding is that it's pretty settled that not only do fish feel pain, bit it is also likely similar to how we sense it. Here is a good summary article on the issue from a few years back:

So if there are other studies that conflict with that body of literature, I'd love to know about them. Thanks!
I have looked at your article and more recent ones as well. I was wrong about what I said I am sorry about that. I had looked it up and the first thing that was provided was that fish don’t feel pain in the same way humans do. I didn’t look at the articles which was my mistake. I guess I need to research things more before sharing so correcting my mistake. Fish do feel pain and have some similar reactions to what mammals do when they feel pain. I hope as time goes on and there are more study’s we will be able to better understand are little fishy’s feelings and lives.
I am sorry about that.
Please, there is no need to apologize! I was genuinely curious if you had other sources at hand. I love to read primary research as widely as I can, and I often miss stuff with the amount of research out there. So, I really appreciate you getting back to me! Now, I can stop obsessively searching to try to find articles I have missed. I'm a nerd. It's a thing. 🤓

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