Thinking Of Starting A Tank Again!

Should I need to wait or start over, is it normal it's doing this?
hmm, what is concerning me is there is no nitrate....
I'm not sure what to do from here on. I've done everything I was told and read.
Are those floating things algae?, there is more again after i removed them yesterday, It was also very mucous like.
I read that Nitrites can take up to 8 weeks before it actually can drop, is this accurate?
I'm starting to think, it would of been better to cycle with some hardy fish.i know it is cruel to do so.
Just an update.
Ammonia ,o
Nitrite, 5.0
Nitrite, 5.0

How come nobody has responded. I guess iam annoying sorry.
Not annoying at all.  
Not sure exactly why things have stalled at this point.
Sorry. Has been an extremely busy week.
Like Eagles, am unsure why your cycle is not progressing as it should be.
Am going to be a bit annoying in asking what you have done exactly with your tank so far.
Have you done any water changes?
Added any chemicals?
Has your pH changed at all?
Is the tank heater on and working correctly?
Is the filter switched on 24/7?
Have you left the filter and media alone?
(i.e no changing of filter media or given a clean)
Am trying to suss out ANYTHING that may be a factor in this cycle anomaly. So if you can give as much details as possible, this woud help in determing whats is occuring.
Okay thank you . The pH is water changes just top off.heater is on, filter on and I've not touched it. I've added ammonia two drops last week. There was many white floating things again I removed them today.
White floating things?
Can you elaborate on that....
like the ones in a previous pic i posted. only this time was double the amount and was some encrusting around the tank. They are white/grey. I found when i tried to remove it, it was almost like a filth on the surface.
Am not sure what that stuff is on the water surface of your tank but it does happen on a lot of tanks, on one of mine included.
SOMETHING is stalling your cycle and quite honestly I do not know what it is.
pH at 7.6 is pretty spot on for cycling, the closer to 8.0 pH the faster the cycle.
As for water temp, should be around 24 to 28C (75 - 85F) , the lower the temp, the slower the bacteria growth will be.
Filter should be rippling the water surface and flow should be good.
The only thing I can think of is there may be something in your tank, i.e decor or even plants with pesticide treatment may be affecting the cycle.
We're missing something somewhere.....
All I have is Carib substrate nothing else. Surface movement is good I set the filter outlet to so water moves the surface.
Should I do a big water change 80%? Or leave things.
What is your kH reading?
I'd say that the water change could help.  What could it hurt?  You are stalled currently.

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