Yeah it's behaviour like that that ruins the chances of young families even being considered for getting a dog. Blanket bans on people with kids under *insert age here* are purely there because some owners dont know how to control their kids - it's not fair on the rest of us who do know how to.
My kids dont hang off the dog, pull on the dog, tease the dog, they dont feed the dog, they dont walk her, or go near her when sleeping/eating, they dont play (ie in the garden with a ball or toy) with the dog unless they ask and an adult is there joining in (and Sky wants to of course) - and even then that's only my older two (9 and 11). They are never left alone together, either. It might sound boring or overprotective to some people - but think of it this way - we wouldn't want kids climbing on us all the time even if we were tired or sore, we wouldn't want people taking our food/toys off us, we wouldn't want kids bouncing on our bed waking us up, or sitting on our backs and making us carry them round. We'd get fed up. Difference being - we can tell them to stop - a dog cant. Well, it can, but that would be by a quick snap - or worse.
Luckily for us, we found a rescue willing to let us have a dog with kids - but it was hard to find someone willing to even give us the time of day - purely because some people think it's ok for their kids to hang off dogs and harrass them. One day, even if they're tolerant to begin with, the dog will get sick of it - or when it gets old and arthritic/sore, it just takes one time - and a kid could be seriously hurt. And the dog too! That's why you must teach kids right from the start that these things aren't acceptable.
Sky wouldn't stand for it - no doubt in my mind if my kids did that to her, she'd snap (not connect - but certainly a warning). Any dog would. That's why I've never let them from day one. If I can teach my triplet toddlers to behave round dogs (and believe me, it's hard to teach them to behave round anything!), then anyone can. You hear too often "kids will be kids", and tbh it makes me mad - because if I can control 5 of the little sods (I mean that in a loving way of course lol) when I've got mobility issues, then it's just sheer laziness if someone cant do it with their one or two. And if for some reason they truly cant control them, they shouldn't be considering a dog (or cat, or other pet the kids could get hold of).
My eldest two were 2 and 4 when we adopted Sky - yet if we'd have gone to any other rescue, we'd have been turned away without even a chance. It's not fair, when there are some of us who know how to teach their kids not to cross the line.