Thinking About Setting Up :)

shrimps and stuff the cleaners of the tank will they be ok then?...i dont think im going to deleve into urchins and startfish etc....

Few urchins and no starfish would even survive in a tank that small ;)
good good, wont be getting stung or bitten they even sting and bite lol?
I wont be lifting my urchin any time soon thats for sure, saying that one of my Cleaner Shrimps had a bit of a go a him yesterday for some reason (must have had something stuck to it the shrimp fancied)
I strongly advise you to do a copper test once the tank is running. If its clear then you should be ok (be aware tht copper "can" leach back into the tank at anytime). What concerns me most is not whether you want corals but whether the cleanup crew will be able to live in a tank like this. A tank without cleanupcrew is gonna be a tough one to keep clean. "If" your coppr is non detectacble then you might get away with it though. I would still run regular copper tests though to be safe.
I dont mean to put you off but just be aware that it will probably ost you atleast £300 to get the tank up and running.

You will need

Live rock
Protein Skimmer
Marine suitable substrate
Hydrometre or Refractometre
Test kits
Phosphate remover
A couple of books
More powerheads as a marine tank needs more cirulation

none of these items are cheap, i strongly recomend you buy a book or two and do as much reading as possible before you go ahead
ive already been looking around for the equipment i need and its all within my budget so i think im good to go.

Can i do a copper test in my aquarium now then to see wheter i have traces? if so what next? does this mean i will constantly have copper in my tank...?

i think if the copper thing is a real issue i will just sell my whole mbuna setup and buy another tank because they are pretty cheap in pets@home.

oh and i just calculated i spent rougly 300 quid setting up my 65 freshwater not including fish so cost for a smaller marine seems worth it.
Personally if it was me I would just buy a new glass tank, as you say they are pretty cheap
I dont mean to put you off but just be aware that it will probably ost you atleast £300 to get the tank up and running.

You will need

Live rock
Protein Skimmer
Marine suitable substrate
Hydrometre or Refractometre
Test kits
Phosphate remover
A couple of books
More powerheads as a marine tank needs more cirulation

none of these items are cheap, i strongly recomend you buy a book or two and do as much reading as possible before you go ahead

Due to it being a Nano a skimmer will not necessarily be needed as long as water changes are regular and 'm a bit confused as to why you would need Phosphate remover? The best way to remove Phosphate is not to put it in the tank in the first place by using RO water and not overfeeding, why you would need to chemically remove it is a mystery to me :dunno:

If you test positive for Copper and can afford to get a new tank do so as it will save potential problems later on.
35 gallon tank isnt really a nano, you will always have some phospahte in your tank, salt mixes contain more phosphate then they claim, all food contains phosphate.

I would recomend that phosphate remover is used on all tanks from the very start before algae gets a chance to take hold, if your phosphate is so low anyway then the media will last for ages so you wont waste money
i was looking and found a small skimmer for 30 pounds? do i not need to spend on that then?
The skimmer is the mainstay of your tank, if its £30 then unfortunately i can guarantee that it will be next to useless.

I dont mean to sound to negative but skimmers are so important imo that you really need one that will do the job.

I would strongly recomend you look into buying a 2nd deltec mc500 or the hang on mce600, theres also the aquamedic multi 1000 and the new V2 skimmer range.

You will be lookign at about £60-100 2nd hand for the deltecs.

If you cant afford that now then save up a little longer but there really isnt any point buying a £30 one.
gah...confused...1 says i need to spend on one and some1 else say i dont need one!
i was looking and found a small skimmer for 30 pounds? do i not need to spend on that then?
A tank under 40g can run skimmerless without any issues as long as regular partial water changes are maintained so spend your money where its needed, not on equipment that is not strictly necessary.
whats a hydrometre or Refractometre :*)

opps oh wait its to measure salinity.
Research research research :D

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