I know where you live
I have been reading the stickies but they use words that i dont understand! I just asked my mom again about a salty tnak adn she said no! She told me that if i killed off all the salty fish they wouldnt fire me!
Pico reefboost yourself into to the marine world with a tiny volume of complicated, compact and unstable salt water.
a pico reef coudl be a cheap way to start off. they have those little 3 gallon or so tanks with th elittle filter and light on them. the whole tank setup is only about 60 bucks here in san antonio.
however the smaller the volume of water the harder it is to keep since you have to constantly keep track of the salt level, and any small thing could throw the tank off balance. the bigger the volume of a saltwater tank the easier it is to keep the correct parameters, and the more room for error you have.
i think that if you could pull off a pico tank you can pull off any bigger tank.
Tell them you're considering one of three new hobbies and you cant decide which, full-time porn hound, heroin junkie, or saltwater enthusiast.