I am very new in a saltwater and will try to be helpful. I never had an aquarium in my life before,
and suddenly I decided to get one, maybe after a movie or something dont remember.
I ordered a book from amazon, which is really good one, and help me a lot to understand. Its a small
book with lots of pictures. Even after I was afraid to start, I started to search internet and found this forum,
as more questions I was asking as more i was confused, but some of the things were really important that I asked.
I was able to save lots of money because of the guys on the forum.
I have 28 gal reef tank for 4 month already, I have a couple of corals, shrimps, snails and guys from clean up crew.
Just got Coral Beauty Angel but she is still in a quaranteen tank.
I spent around $2000 Canadian dollars to set it up. Of course you can do less or more, depends on you.
If you already have your tank I would really suggest you to get that book and read it first. Also at the same time, after the first chapter how to setup your tank, get uncurred live rocks and start curring them in your tank. Why uncurred? I decided to get rocks and wanted to get curred ones its easier, but then the guy was selling those gorgeous uncurred Fiji rocks, and I wend with them. I tell you that it was a very good decision. I was curring them in my future tank and during that month I started to learn hot to control water tempreture and salinity, its very important.
This is just something for you to start with, maybe I wrote some stupid stuff but thats what I did and it worked so far.
If you have any questions to not hesitate to ask.
I forgot, to tell you before all that, buy RO/DI unit to produce water for your tank, this is very important and you will never regret it. I got mine for 180, it has everything including top off system, u can get a regular one for $120, I bought it online from Florida, if you interested I will send you a link.
P.S. never rush with the salt water tank, do everything step by step and think before every next step u do.