Things I Love About Tropical Fish Keeping

in my local schools, the kids would have a game: who can smash the tank first?

or poisen the fish all the time, like what happened to the one in my work.
:blush: wow :S relived i am not the only one who does the tank staring thing, my family think i'm am e'jit!! :hey:

defintaely not the only one whos parents think that way... :(

o well they just dont have an apprieciation for things like nature.
I also enjoy watching my fish
My whole family love the fish. I however am the only one who loves the tanks on a 'not-only-the-fish' level.

People from my neighborhood also come to see my fish.
Generally they just pop in to say hi and to see the fish and the rabbit.
We have quite a few parents with young children in the area I live in a the moment so it's like a free aquaria for them!

At least it means I always keep the tanks clean. :p
oh whats nicer than having a crappy day then watching the fish and it all goes out the window,,, i have oscars now and i have found myself doing the kissy sucky noise you would to get a cat or dog to come to you..............think id better sort myself out, fast!!

shelagh xxxx
I also enjoy watching my fish :fun: and despite all the complining my parents give over the tank and the ammount of time I spend on it, they also love watching it :lol: Older people are strange....... :p Hope that doesn't offend anyone :look:

All the best
I also enjoy the scientific side of it reading about their natural enviroment and trying to recreate that.....I also love it when I get new decor and fish and see how they get on with my new fish and making the water as clear as possible :p
I'm old enough to be grandad to at least half of the people here and trust me, age has nothing to do with the love of fishkeeping.

Fish don't return the love and affection the way the family dog does, but you do get attached to them never the less. You are taking on a big responsibility when you commit to keeping fish. My office tank ( a mere 50L) has one Betta (Basil - don't ask, I didn't name him) that appears to enjoy the company of his tankmates - half a dozen WCM, seven Cory and a lonely ADF (two died of old age). I can't help but smile as they follow me from one end of the tank to the other when I walk past and it is relaxing to watch them. At least I don't have to take them for a walk in all weathers.

I can't say I actually enjoy the work involved in keeping on top of tank maintenance, especially as I could have weeks where I am only in the office for one day and squeezing all the work into a lunch hour is a challenge. Thank goodness for the F14 auto-feeder and Seachem products like Prime.


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