Theyre Dieing Plz Help


Nov 28, 2006
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After sorting out my tank, i added 3 fish last staurday, all was okay until wednesday, i noticed whie spot, have been treating since then with parazoryne.

Last night inoticed 1 tetra now has a fluffy white mouth, which i believe to culumnaris, this morning has spread to another tetra.

Also this morning one of my platys has a clear rip in her tail, it does not look like fin rot, it is not bitten or jagged in any way, but it is a clear line that splits her tail in half, she also seems to have a loose scale above her eye.

I notice that the male platy can be aggresive when chasing his girls, so my be it id that, or perhaps it is fin rot.

I have had nothing but trouble with this tank, and I feel like I am sinking with it at the moment, any suggestions.

I will test water in a few mins to give you the results,

go to post 18 for my dilema and update plz i think theyre dieing
After sorting out my tank, i added 3 fish last staurday, all was okay until wednesday, i noticed whie spot, have been treating since then with parazoryne.

Last night inoticed 1 tetra now has a fluffy white mouth, which i believe to culumnaris, this morning has spread to another tetra.

Also this morning one of my platys has a clear rip in her tail, it does not look like fin rot, it is not bitten or jagged in any way, but it is a clear line that splits her tail in half, she also seems to have a loose scale above her eye.

I notice that the male platy can be aggresive when chasing his girls, so my be it id that, or perhaps it is fin rot.

I have had nothing but trouble with this tank, and I feel like I am sinking with it at the moment, any suggestions.

I will test water in a few mins to give you the results,

how large is the tank, what fish do you have in it?
89 ltrs 1 molly 4 assorted platy 1 pleco 2 german blue ram 4 tetra

I have the stats,

Ammonia 0
Nitrite, 0
Nitrate, 5

Uae water safe, and stress zyme and stress coat on adding new fish.

The stats are normally like this, but we had a blip last weekend, we thought it easy to add a couple of live plants, but they died off within a couple of days, I had a nitrite spike, and changed water rapidly, I had also added 2 x platys and the small sucker fish, to be honest every time I add fish they all get ill.

I have salt dipped the tetras, ( not sure if tetras take to salt dips, but have read on here that people do do it to them )as they had the white fluff on their noses, and have been treating the tank, with both parazoryne and melafix,

I am about to do a 30 litre water change as the white spots have dropped off and I want to get as much of it out of the tank as possible.

I understand that they are stressed etc etc, after the spike, and that i probably didnt help with the plant thing, but I can't help being peeved with every purchase of fish I end up with problems, in my tank, as soon as i put in a new one, i loose one,

The tetras I bought a few weeks ago, are still extremelly fat, swim as if they have one side weighted down, and have been like that since always. treated it for dropsy, but no change.

Any way, in a mo I will get a picture if I can of teh Platys tail, as that is what is worrying me the most.

Sorry for the winge.
parazoryne never heard of this med what is it used for.
Hi Wilder, its a natural product, got it from maidenhead aquatics, and is used for parasite products, it is used for white spot, flukes, costia (whatever that is ), I used it before last Novemebr and it was brill( they also do another one for bacterial ) the platys tail now has two splits, i think it must be tail rot, i suppose all i can do is wait. and keep treating.

Do you think it was the spike of nitrate that did it, or do you think it might have had it before I got her.

Many thanks
Finrot common on top of whitespot.
Spilt fins heal on there own in good water quality, more bothered about the mouth fungus columnaris.
so how would oyu go about this because i need some hlp
ive gave them a slat bath as wel as the platys can the colunmaris spread? would you advise any meds for this ?
Yes, a bad strain of columnaris can wipe a tank out in hours.
Myxazin and pimafix.
Hi all.

Just a quick up date, I have lost the small sucker fish that we had, i don't think it was a plec, they called it a river loach!!!!, apparently they prefer cold water, so why they sell them as tropical I am not sure. Probably a comination of meds and heat I expect.

The rest are fine, only 2 x tetras have the fluffy noses, and we are salt dipping them a few times a day, according to the link that was posted kindly by Wilder.

The white spot is still present but with a combination of meds and salt dipping, is under control. ( its fascinating to salt dip a fish and then transfer them back to them tank, with a reduced number of spots).It is nice to see it working.

Any way, still going, and still fighting.
use melafix, quickcure, a litttle extra chlor out, add aquarium salt. add salt like everyday, this will help keep some of those things from growing. good luck. not to scare you, but you may have catualties while trying to treat everyone. sometimes the treatments don't get to them in time.
We have been doing salt dips, we thought to add it too the tank, how much salt and over how many days to increase it etc,
Ok so we have followed the instructions on the AQI salt, we have added 4 Tbsp, reduced by 1/2 tbsp for the ornaments etc.

we shall add this slowly to the tank over a period of time, how long I am not sure maybe a few hourse, what would you reccommend.?
When you do the salt dip keep an eye on temp as it has to match the tank.
ok i been doing that any way theyre looking a bit better now

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