The Swamp

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So tomorrow I should be getting my plants in the post. Thought I'd nip into B&Q after doing my shopping this evening, only to discover that some bright spark high up in the chain decided it'd be an awesome idea for them to stop selling John Innes #3 :blink: which is a pain in the butt as I can't get to either of the nearest garden centres without scrounging a lift off someone. :grr:

Not sure what I'm gonna do tbh.
Looks brilliant.
Ive always wondered has growth accelerated since the plants hit the surface?
So tomorrow I should be getting my plants in the post. Thought I'd nip into B&Q after doing my shopping this evening, only to discover that some bright spark high up in the chain decided it'd be an awesome idea for them to stop selling John Innes #3 :blink: which is a pain in the butt as I can't get to either of the nearest garden centres without scrounging a lift off someone. :grr:

Not sure what I'm gonna do tbh.

Buy it online?
It would indeed, but I suspect not worth what it would cost.
Ok, so I removed all the plants and wood, brought in some smooth pea gravel from where it was stored in the garage and added about 6 litres worth to the centre of the tank after scraping the sand more to the edges. I've mixed it together where it meets. I also added some small pebbles around my larger smooth stones.

I've replanted the plants that were in there (slightly different placements) and added the crypts which arrived in the post this morning. I got, on average, 6 plants from each pot, so about 60 crypts have gone in, plus theres all the ones from upstairs still to come down and go in. It's still cloudy, and some of the crypts are bent over, so no pictures today.

Looks good though :hyper:
Yeah, I got the 10 assorted potted crypts from Plants Alive. It's not bad. (I think) I got 2 pots wendtii, 2 pots parva, 1 pot balansae, 2 pots which are small like parva but more pointy, and then 3 which I don't recognise in the slightest. They're in good condition, some have loads of roots, some hardly any. All in all, not bad for £20. Shame they can't spell assorted on their website though :lol: I took pictures of them all before putting them in, and will take more once they are settled. Going to do a water change this evening then another tomorrow.

Stil got a load more parva, wendtii and beckettii to go in from upstairs but I'm not doing those now as I need another whole afternoon to move them and redo the tank upstairs.
It sounds really good for the money, £2 a pot what more could you ask for?

Look forward to the pics :)
Was going to take pictures today, but haven't had chance - had a friend and her kids round for a playdate earlier and then this afternoon one of our neighbours has cut down a tree on our property without our consent. I'm absolutely fuming, so I'm going to go stare in the tank and try for some pictures to calm myself down.

about 20 foot high? Maybe more...
I couldn't go speak to them. I was that angry. I'm going to seek legal advice in the morning and then go round. Apparently they "didn't realise" that it was our tree (that came via another neighbour).
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