THE STOP SELLING BETTA PURSES PETITION instead of an inch of space, they have a whole 4 inches of space?

in that case it's humane :rolleyes:

them people really are idiots. :S
I have spelling errors? I checked it a bunch of times. Well they dont let you edit them, so with over 50 signatures im not re-doing it.

Well figure out some way for them to stop being sold. Good idea about the signatures!!!!!!!!!
i still say we should all meet up and go on strike...i'm from michigan...i can go there....but i wanna group to go with me :p
Its just little things, like missing apostrophes (I took a level english and i can't spell!) etc. Doesn't really matter if you can't edit it.

Perhaps you could pm a few influential people, such as mods? ask them to put it in their sigs?
f250fisherman said:
OK..I promise. I will not buy a Betta Purse. :rofl:
You'd better not. Otherwise the aliens will get you.

The "Human Purse" is getting popular on their planet but there's a shortage in supply...



  • envy.jpg
    11.2 KB · Views: 37
I can redesign that purse to a 5 gallon or 10 gallon purse with sun operation energy air pump. I can redesign the naked area where you can put your body contact and you can control the temperature that will automatic can turn the water to cooler when it is hot and when you get into a cold area, it automatic turn up the heat. LOL :lol: :lol: :lol: WORKS???? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

More idea!!! I can redesign the 5 to 10 gallon purse to a DRESS!!!! Then the betta can swim all over your body exploration on you!!! And also some part can show your naked bady too to make a sexy dress!!! LOL :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:
If a women had a body curve!!! then it create the cave for the betta to hide!!! hahahahaha :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
uh oh......i think the petition expired.......$#1T!!!!!!!!

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