'the Slow Burner' - Pics & Vid 21/08

Would you consider rehoming the Rasbora's to have a larger shoal of neons that like you fit in well with the theme?

Harlequins will probably stay. Not a fan of rehoming fish once I've taken them in.......plus they were difficult enough to catch in a 50% drained and empty 30g. Don't fancy trying the same in a planted 320.
Hi Zoddy Zod
Gorgeous looking tank - and love the video's.
A very interesting journal of your latest set up.

But why the "Cat Litter" ???
That has me completely bamboozled ! :blink:
Hi Zoddy Zod
Gorgeous looking tank - and love the video's.
A very interesting journal of your latest set up.

But why the "Cat Litter" ???
That has me completely bamboozled ! :blink:

Thanks for the compliments.

Got the tip on the litter from Tizers journal and from good advice in the planted forum. Its just clay so it soak up nutrients then delivers it back to the plant roots.
Thanks for that -
I'm thinking of totally changing my tank into a Cichlid breeding project
with sand replacing a gravel substrate.
I'll keep that "Cat Litter" tip in mind :good:
Added 20 neons to the tank on Monday, so now have 29. The schooling/schaoling behaviour has increased dramatically.
Sounds excellent matey, looking forward to seeing the new pictures!! I always lose the majority of Cardinals when i add them, don't know why though :( Maybe neons would be a better option for me?!
Sounds excellent matey, looking forward to seeing the new pictures!! I always lose the majority of Cardinals when i add them, don't know why though :( Maybe neons would be a better option for me?!

I thought it was supposed to be the other way around, with cardinals being the 'hardier' of the two.

Whenever I've added neons there has always been at least one from the group that drops within the first week or so. No signs of that yet though.
Yeah hence the reason i went with them :rolleyes: But i have a group of 9 and i am now down to 4. :( Nevermind. They're currently in my nano so i may rehome them and get some more suitable fish for the tank. They were in the 90 but the HRP's didn't think much to them once they were breeding. :lol:
I have always found both to be equally likely/unlikely to die.. from what I have seen, it depends a lot more on their origin than the species.

Spent some time inthe shed earlier making some rudimentary slate caves for the brislenose.


Something is laying eggs. These have appeared near the top of the tank in the last two hours. Can only think it is the angels or corys?


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