'the Slow Burner' - Pics & Vid 21/08

Nice caves, been wanting to do something like that myself into corner of my tank but make it like an 'upstairs' and cover top with sand, stones, moss.
Would end up with alot of gunk under it though so i'd have to make it liftable too lol

No idea on the eggs but at first i thought you was throwing the middle finger up in the reflection. :good:
Well whatever laid them will be dissapointed. Just found them all eaten.

Moss will be added to the caves once the sealant has dried
Yep, looks like typical Cory eggs. Angels are usually all together in one place, usually quite neatly placed. Cory's tend to be all over the place though and in randon places on the glass in groups of 3-5 ish.

Caves are looking good too!! :)
I did do a water change yesterday that brought the temp down by 3c, so I think that's what may have induced them to spawn. They never did this in the previous tank though.....must be enjoying the sand.

Tank is cloudy this morning - seems my BN has been digging heavily. At least I hope that's what has caused it....
Yeah my Bronze usually spawn after a decent sized cold water change. Then two seconds later they have been eaten. Would love to have a go at rearing them in a seperate tank.

And i had the same issue with my plecs when 'swishing' in the play sand. Tank became very cloudy. Heavier sand was the way forward i found.
BTW, i think your topic should be moved into the journal section? It's been a journey, thats for sure! :lol:
Tank is cloudy this morning - seems my BN has been digging heavily. At least I hope that's what has caused it....
Even if something digs in the sand (or you stir it up), it should settle pretty much immediately. If it still causes the water to go cloudy, then the filter will eventually filter out all the fine bits of dust.
Found out its not the sand, its the clay. Just disturbed some accidentally and its clouded the tank again. Will add some filter floss to clear it.

The piece of wood the BN burys under is now on some slate. Will see how it goes but reluctant to add any plec now.
Caves are in....the BN was instantly inquisitive


Beautiful :)

cheers! And yes, this probably should be shiffted to the journals section.

An angel died over night. I did notice on Sunday evening that it had a sunken belly and stringy white faeces. I've also noticed that the largest of the juvi's has turned into a bit of a bully, even confronting the adult (although always being chased away). Not sure if the combination of ill health and stress combined for the death.

Hoping the other 3 juvis can handle the chasing, but need to keep a close eye on the behaviour over the next few days. Also not sure if I should replace the fish to bring the angel numbers back up to 6.

The slate base to the food appears to have stopped the BN from digging. Clearly it was his favourite snacking spot, he doesn't seem that interested in digging under the other wood in there.

Managed to get a Fluval 405 (no pipes) for £20 off eBay, and that's coming this week. This combined with the 305 should prove ample flow for the plants - I've noticed that the swords from the previous tank are struggling and I think it's because they are in a dead-spot. After the new filter is installed I can start looking to get more plants in there.
Sounds great mate.

Shame about the angel too. :( internal parasite?

possible, none of the others are showing symptoms though. This one was also fine during the week & a half of quarantine.
Also not sure if I should replace the fish to bring the angel numbers back up to 6.
I recommend that you do because if you have one aggressive one, then it will help spread the aggression out over more individuals. If it was me, I would quarantine the new angel for 4 weeks, then swap the aggressive juvenile and the new one so that the aggressive one is out of the main tank while the new one settles in, then introduce the aggressive one back after a week or so.

For quarantine to be effective, it needs to last for at least 4 weeks. I usually recommend that 4-6 weeks as optimum and some people will quarantine for up to 24 weeks to be absolutely sure.

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