The Rainbow Bridge

Doodle, only with me for about 6 months, died from probable internal bleeding in her head. It makes me cry every time i say this, but she was so fun and playful that when i just thought "oh, she's having another hyper moment :)" she was actually experiencing awful agonising pain and just doing whatever she could to relieve the pain :-( . If only i had have realised this wasn't just play :sad:

Thanks, RIP my baby, chirping joyfully still to "Yellow Submarine" eh? I can still hear you


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There is an old saying:
Never trust a man who doesn't love a dog
That quote can be extrapolated to a woman...and exchange dog for almost any animal.

I lost my cat today after 16 years of being on the job 24/7/365. She showed up everyday. She was always presentable and clean. She never complained. Never asked for a raise or vacation. Never let up on the job.

I rescued Oreo from the Bide-a-Wee home in 1994. I was a single professional at the time. I never liked cats but I missed having a pet. When I passed her crate, she pulled my finger into her and started licking it. I wasn't ready, but, 2 weeks later, I regretted not giving her a new home. So, I went back.

Her crate was gone and I felt I had missed out. I approached the clerk and, to my surprise and elation, they had simply moved her crate into a different area.

I adopted her.

The next sixteen years I was licked, slept on, meowed at, pounced on...yet...I am really not a cat person, bag man, animal activist, mushy anything. Just a general surgeon who enjoys animals. Unfortunately, being a physician comes with a price and that is knowledge. Knowledge is good and it can also be a bad thing.

About 3-4 weeks ago I picked up my pet and felt...bones. I examined her and to my shock and dismay, I noticed a mass in her abdomen. I looked at her food bin and noticed that it hadn't been going down much. I knew that Oreo didn't have much time left. Today, she appeared extremely weak and I knew that her time had come.

I tried to make her as comfortable as possible. I left to run some errands and get my kids across the street to my sister's so that they could play with their nephews. I stopped in to check on Oreo and she was meowing loudly. I sat down next to her, held her, pet her and within minutes, she passed. Now, I don't care WHAT anyone says, but, that animal waited for me to let go.

I'm not sure why, when we don't plan on getting attached, we do. They really don't ask for anything but give so much back in return. I'll dig thru the snow today and bury Oreo in the backyard. She was a great animal and at my ripe old age of 29, I'll miss her. I had to put my greyhound to sleep last August, so, it's been a very rough year for me and I have a lot more challenges to go.

Unrequited love. Surely, something any human can learn a lesson from.



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Here's my wonderful dog Cromwell i grew up with him. he never left my side and always protected me and my little brother. he was about 17-18 when he died. he had to be put down. he died on the 19th march 2009. i miss him dearly. :-( i took my first steps around him and now 12 years on from then i wish so badly he was still here. he's bein dead 11months nearly 1 year now so i really miss u crom :-( :rip: ur were always my best mate and still are and forever will be.

cromwell is the dog
There is an old saying:
Never trust a man who doesn't love a dog
That quote can be extrapolated to a woman...and exchange dog for almost any animal.

I lost my cat today after 16 years of being on the job 24/7/365. She showed up everyday. She was always presentable and clean. She never complained. Never asked for a raise or vacation. Never let up on the job.

I rescued Oreo from the Bide-a-Wee home in 1994. I was a single professional at the time. I never liked cats but I missed having a pet. When I passed her crate, she pulled my finger into her and started licking it. I wasn't ready, but, 2 weeks later, I regretted not giving her a new home. So, I went back.

Her crate was gone and I felt I had missed out. I approached the clerk and, to my surprise and elation, they had simply moved her crate into a different area.

I adopted her.

The next sixteen years I was licked, slept on, meowed at, pounced on...yet...I am really not a cat person, bag man, animal activist, mushy anything. Just a general surgeon who enjoys animals. Unfortunately, being a physician comes with a price and that is knowledge. Knowledge is good and it can also be a bad thing.

About 3-4 weeks ago I picked up my pet and felt...bones. I examined her and to my shock and dismay, I noticed a mass in her abdomen. I looked at her food bin and noticed that it hadn't been going down much. I knew that Oreo didn't have much time left. Today, she appeared extremely weak and I knew that her time had come.

I tried to make her as comfortable as possible. I left to run some errands and get my kids across the street to my sister's so that they could play with their nephews. I stopped in to check on Oreo and she was meowing loudly. I sat down next to her, held her, pet her and within minutes, she passed. Now, I don't care WHAT anyone says, but, that animal waited for me to let go.

I'm not sure why, when we don't plan on getting attached, we do. They really don't ask for anything but give so much back in return. I'll dig thru the snow today and bury Oreo in the backyard. She was a great animal and at my ripe old age of 29, I'll miss her. I had to put my greyhound to sleep last August, so, it's been a very rough year for me and I have a lot more challenges to go.

Unrequited love. Surely, something any human can learn a lesson from.


There is something extremely wrong with me.... Going through the whole of this topic, I have shed more tears than I just did with both my parents having passed away during the past 3 months.... and as I sit here,... I sincerely hope that I pass away before my Meghan does... (and she's on her last legs)... I will not be able to work through that!!!

To everyone who has lost a beloved pet during the past year.....(or ever)... Find comfort in the fond memories of comeraderie that you were privilaged to share with one of your best and most loyal friends!
LV, you aren't by yourself. I have opened this thread on numerous occasions but can never make it through more than a few posts. I'm 57 years old and I guess just an old softy but when someone loses a family member, and that's what our pets are, it is indeed a very sad time.

To all of those that have lost loved ones, I offer my prayers and condolences.
And coming from me too. I've lost two pets within six months. No matter how young or how hurts. But...still..the love and friendship that you gain can only make you a better person and have a greater respect for the wonderful world that we live and, of course, the animals we share it with. SH
Gods, this topic has me in tears ^^' Gonna see if I can stop crying for a few minutes to write about the animals I still love to this day :rolleyes:
I don't have pictures of everyone, but I would like to write a few things about companions I have lost over the years.

Kai: Our first ever German Shepherd. I was very, very young when we lost him, but I remember that he was a good old boy. He could be a stroppy old git at times, but never complained about being cuddled and fussed over, and looked after us all. We lost Kai at the age of 9 to the canine form of MS. Things got worse, and in the end he let us know that it was time for him to go.

Cassy: Our first cat, she was a rescue from the RSPCA, and was completly bald apart from her head, a strip down her back, and her tail. The most gentle thing ever, she was a fantastic little thing, and never hurt a fly, let alone any mice. All she would do was eat, cuddle, sleep, eat, etc. We lost her after several years to cancer- the vets couldn't believe that she was still friendly, wanting a fuss, purring, because of the amount of pain she must have been. Just showed what a beautiful little thing she was.

Bonny: :-( *needs to breath* My sweet, Bonny lass. She was a labXcolly and I grew up with her from the age of 7-18. She was a bloody fantastic dog, so gentle and intelligent. She ended her days blind and diabetic, but never the less she was always the happiest thing going. It'll be 3 years this July that we lost Bonny. She died in kennels aged 13, whilst we were away. We were told that she passed very peacfully- just went to sleep and never woke up. It still upsets me to this day that I didn't get to say goodbye D:


Elsa: My little wolf, Elsa was our second German Shepherd and Bonny's companion. She was beautiful and soft, loved her cuddles and was so gentle. She provided many laughs with her daft antics. Loosing her was the hardest, only because of the manner of her death. When Bonny was diagnosed with diabetes we were told that she probably wouldn't live the summer out, but totally owned the vets expectations and went on to live a full year more. We knew that we had done everything we could for her, and her death was very peacful. Elsa's death was traumatic, and 2 years on, I'm still not fully over it. We went out shopping one morning, she was fine, running around, being her usual bossy old self. We came back and she had collapsed. She was taken to the vets and operated on, where it was discovered that my poor lass's liver was riddled with tumours, which had burst :-(. She was only 9 years old, and showed no signs at all of being in pain. She was her silly old self right up to the last day.


And I'm gonna stop now before I start myself off again :rolleyes:

In a strange way this topic has lifted my spirits, just because it's lovely to see so many like minded people caring for and loving their animals. None will ever be forgotten <3
Gone but never forgotten, our old friend Angel Lady. :flowers: :flowers: :flowers:
Would like to remember my beautiful Jodie, my beloved lurcher who sadly lost her fight against cancer 11th June 2010, deeply missed and has left a huge hole in all our hearts, rest in peace now my baby, the pain is gone.

Two months on I am ready to put my Sasha on here. I still find it hard to believe she is gone and I find it harder to think about her. I can take memory flashes in my mind of her doing something cute or just being in the room or on the bed, but I can't actually *think* about her yet. It'll come in time.

Sasha Lee Davies 2nd February 2000 to 22nd February 2008.







Been with my boy since he was born. That's my sister sitting holding baby Dylan and my trusty Sasha laying beside them.

I know this post is old but i'm hoping you will reply.
Where did you get this dog???
We had a dog called sasha that had to go to a new owner and she looked exactly like that! The new owner said they kept her name because they liked it!!!

Alessa x.
Here's my beloved pets thats gone to the rainbow bridge....
Here's 2 pics of my beloved pets,that after the recent sad loss of snowy are all together again and no doubt up to mischieve like they use to,with Barney(cockatoo) chasing the 3 cats by hopping along the floor behind them :rolleyes: ,then walk away laughing (literally) after shooing them all away,barney had a special bond with snowy,he was more placid than the other 2 and Barney use to sit next to snowy preening him :)

Tigs- male tabby passed away aged 18 - 27 july 2003 after suffering from stomach cancer....
Jodie(bobo)female black kitty - passed away aged 11 -30 Jan 2006 after having a massive op to remove mammory tumours,for them to return 7 months later...
Snowy-(noonie)White male -passed away aged 15(a week from his 16th)11 August 2010 - after suffering from anaemia for the passed 4 years,lost the fight...

Here they are all together hogging the fire years ago,now all together again...

And not to forget Barney - lesser sulphur crested cockatoo ,such a character,Used to try and round the cats up,bark like a dog and laugh if we laughes... lost his fight april 2008 aged 22 years after having an op to remove a tumour under his wing,a few weeks later had to have his wing removed and just wasn't strong enough to keep going...

:rip: my little angels - will see you again one day i hope - you all have a special place in my heart. :wub:
Just one thing...Barney stop chasing them cats... :rolleyes: :lol:
Such lovely pets they were Harlequins. *nod* And ouch the 11th was rather soon. :/

I was on my deviantArt and thought I'd share a few. :]

This was my childhood dog, Jayde. She lived a good 11 years. She died rather suddenly one April morning in 2003 from kidney failure. She'd had problems with her kidneys and arthritis for a few years.

And this was my cat, Maggie. I don't actually know if she's alive or not. We moved houses and left her with the people who bought our house as we were moving to an apartment (and they wanted her and she didn't want to leave). She was my favorite cat. D:

Had a dreaded call this morning to tell me that my old dog Sasha, who we had to give to a new home because she kept pinning her sister down by the throat, died last night after being hit by a car on her last walk of the day. :sad: :-( :sad:

Alessa x.

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