BettaMomma said:
do you know what happens to fish that sit on the shelf and get sicker and sicker? They die. And then they're replaced anyway. So I don't think I'm contributing to any problem
I respect your opinion and encourage you to do what you feel is right, but I disagree. The regional manager is sitting in Chicago and he sees that bettas are selling well, so he oreders more. Maybe on a normal week they order 20 fish. If 5 are rescued the RM orders 25 because sales appear to be rising and they don't want to run out of stock. This is the part I know you don't want to hear. If the fish die they lose money. It's not even a drop in the bucket to Wal-Mart, but If they lose money because of "loss" and sales are down they will order less fish.
To me the biggest problem is this. A local fish store owner in your area is trying to do the best that he can. He spends 6-7 days a week possibly 12 hours or more per day in the store. Every day they clean tanks, look for disease, feed the fish, make sure the fish are happy and healthy, etc,etc. It's hard work for not a lot of money. Most do it for the love of the hobby. I feel you and the fish would be better served by spending your money at these stores, instead of the mega monsters that don't care about you , the fish, their employees, or the community.
Ask any small business owner how they compete with these mega stores and they will tell you the only way is with better quality and service. The small business can not compete on price and stay in business very long.
Maybe you and the local pet store owner could get together and start a petition to have all Wal-marts stop selling fish. If your local media is like mine, they are always looking for a good story. Call them. It's sad, but stories on animals in poor shape make good ratings. The worst thing that could happen, is that you get the attention of corparate HQ and they revamp their fish keeping standards. I'm personally not a fan of PETA. They would be a good alley of your cause. See if you can get them involved. They are great at making mountains out of mole hills.
I respect you and your cause. I just think your going about it in the wrong way. Good luck with your endeavour.