The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread

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Hey Lovelies!!!

Yesterday was the day of days... Put aboot three hundred miles on the jetta yesterday driving all around Massatuckey..

But... it was worth it.. Passed out last night at 730.. just got up.. ten hours of sleep.. I usually get between five and six..

Time to get to work...
Fluval C2 on my 30 gallon, it's rated 10-30 gallons, my water is crystal clear! :)

Bear in mind I have loads of big rocks in my tank, so I don't actually have 30 gallons in the tank as the rocks take up a lot of space, if ya' know what I mean... :)
Sounds good Lucy, I like the media tray they have on those. I tend to use at least twice the filtration on my tanks since they're all a bit over stocked and I overfeed a bit sometimes.

Hey Lovelies!

Not that I need to but I plan to do some extra water changes today, just to be on the safe side & to ensure my nitrates aren't getting too high. All the tanks have had their water changes less than a week ago, but safe is better than sorry right?
Hey Lovelies!!!

Juss had a "discussion" with the MRS.. I was of the opinion that I was going to get another tank this coming summer.. she was not of the same opinion.. for the record it appears she is presently winning this fight.. I need to get my daughter on my side.. that's the only way I'll win..
You have a way with words Hammy, LOL

How many tanks are you currently running? What sizes are they? I've found that with my wife it's the total number of tanks, not necessarily the size. So I just upgrade the size and it's still the same number...............sneaky, but effective.
Hey Lovelies!
Gonna do some water changes, then I'll head to the LFS if I can convince mi padre.
I'll be getting 2 Sparkling Gourami (hopefully female), 2 Kuhlis, and some Harlequin Rasboras if they look healthy
You have a way with words Hammy, LOL

How many tanks are you currently running? What sizes are they? I've found that with my wife it's the total number of tanks, not necessarily the size. So I just upgrade the size and it's still the same number...............sneaky, but effective.

that was precisely the strateegerey I was using.. she saw right through it.. I think she got wise to my tactics when I got that 37 gallon..

I only has three..

the sex farm is my fry and cherry skrimp tank 8 gallons

and I also has a 14 gallon biocube..
I never got around to posting my current rescape!

This is the 20 gallon tank my g/f takes care of ( some what ) It houses the male guppies, 3 Kuhli loaches ( I still cant catch that fourth one in the giant tank ), 3 albino corys, my male Peral Gourami, and an UpsideDown Catfish

My 125 gallon will be a few pictures for more detail then one far back shot:




This is my 67 gallon tank with Pictus catfish and a Striped Raphael

This is the 50 gallon with a Red Tail Black Shark and a few Synodontis Jaguar Hybrids
Just got back from the LFS, ordered some more Kuhli when they do their next shipment, and picked up two very pregnant about to pop guppies :D

I have moved on to the next stage :- which means I was 1 of 26 chosen out of 52 people to get a live interview based on my application to become an umpire :hyper: the interview is in 2 weeks, and my bday is next Sunday! :bday:

Alls well in my little world..... Or so I has heard.....
Hey Lovelies! Happy Veterans Day...................
Hey Lovelies!!!!

Spent an hour or so getting my tanks situated yesterday.. Had to move some guppys around.. Does anyone else of who keeps guppys find that you get more females than males?? I certainly do..
Hey lovelies!
Went to the LFS, got two sparkling gouramis, two harlequins, a crystal shrimp
And two kuhlis!!!
They are Lorelei and Lumpy. He's called Lumpy because he was in a tank full of gravel and his whiskers are just nubs :(


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