The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread

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Hey Lovelies! All's well in my tanks today but the 20 gallon is screaming for a water change. After Zach's Football practice we'll be doing water changes of 30% on the 20 gallon & just 20% on the 55 gallon.
Hey lovelies!!!

Save a guppy from the sump.. I gots a female who hast to has aboot fifty or so fries in her.. She's basically laying on a leaf of one of my plants..

I got this huge leafy plant that the wife picked out, it shot out a very long runner prolly aboot four feet.. it flowered today.. it's a white flower but I suspect it aint done..

almost time for the grrrrrrrreeeeaaaaaatttt debate..
Hey livelies!

Got 3 new pygmy cories tonight! 3 came dead :( lost my baseball game as well 14-6 that's 4 in a row now. We're 3-4 on the season. We better fix that Saturday.
Score a big win for George!!

Paul Romney dint know what hit him..
Hey livelies!

Got 3 new pygmy cories tonight! 3 came dead :( lost my baseball game as well 14-6 that's 4 in a row now. We're 3-4 on the season. We better fix that Saturday.

Don't worry bro, Zach's team is 2-2-1 and they have a decent team to play against Saturday. They'll win their next & so will you, just do all you can to win. Keep your team mates positive, especially during practice leading up to the next game.

Score a big win for George!!

Paul Romney dint know what hit him..

Barack Biden looked like a giggling schoolgirl half the time.......... :nod:

Paul Ryan looks like he's keeping in the chuckles

The problem is, Biden couldn't keep the chuckles in. :lol:
That's a great pic, Crossfire! :D
Hey Lovelies! The weekend is here!!!!!! We just got hammered in the football by Germany. No surprise. I don't actually care but hubby tutting about what a bad team we have. :rolleyes: YAWN.
Hey Lovelies! Going to the Haunted Forest tonight, but tomorrow, I'll be heading out to the LFS! I'm planning on getting 2 more amanos, some cherry shrimp, maybe an assassin snail to combat my pest snails, and a kuhli loach is they have them!!!!!! :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: If not, I'll just get more Harlequin Rasboras or maybe another Sparkling Gourami :lol:
Hey Lovelies!!!!

Had a massive guppy time session last night.. watched the lil guys for aboot two hours.. good fun..

Got a clown loach yesterday.. are they on the less active side??
What size tank is it in? They really need 75 gallons absolute minimum and groups of 6+
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