The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread

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Ah lads, I've just looked them up and it turns out I already have them. I called them Lambchop rasboras. I must change that now.......
Hey Lovelies! Happy Tuesday.

All tanks seemed great last night and I officially named my new Honey G's...........The male is "Blurry" & the female is "Diva." I might add another female this week if all stays well.

Also, the Glass Cats are doing well in their new tank too.
Hey Lovelies!

As of last night all 3 tanks are doing great. The new HOney G's are settled in & I've named the male "Blurry" because I can't get a clean pic of him, and the female is "Diva" because she's easy to photograph.
omg, I spotted this thread when it first started...Thought it was funny, then I go away for a couple months and it now has 2100+ replies... what in the world did you lovelies all talk about?

I'm sure someone here can write down a nice little recap :shifty:
Hey Lovelies!
No joy on the girlfriend for my bolivian front. None in one lfs and I'm reluctant to try the other 'better' one due to them selling me a sparkling gourami that turned out to be a betta. Think I'll get one online and get another sparkler to bring them up to 3. Oh decisions, decisions!
Chicken stir-fry for dinner.
Tomorrow is water change day and at the moment I'm dreading it.
It's very hard to form a coherent thought when my 6 year old won't draw breath. How do they do it? I mean, she actually hasn't stopped talking for the last 40 minutes.
Anyway Lovelies, I hope all is well in your worlds. :*
Hey Lovelies!!!

I had a guppy give birth in the breeder box, yet not one single fry made it to the safety zone of the box.. she ate them all
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