The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread

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Hey guys, I'm in a timeout like they did to Hambone........... :fun:

I feel like a kid standing in the corner.
Hey Lovelies!!!

either all my eggs hatched, or they all got eaten.. in the tank for two days, then they all disappear..

lesson learned.. next time they are going in the breeder box..
Hey Lovelies! If this message is formally approved please note that I added another female Honey Gourami to my 20 gallon sand tank. I haven't named her yet........
Comin' back to 'Merica today! I finally get to see the rescued betta and harlequins!

BTW i went to a German petstore and the fish section was amazing! They had Mosquito Rasboras! But I couldnt possibly take them on an 8 hour flight
That's great you'll finally see them Crossfire. Have a safe journey. One of my lfs has mosquito rasboras. Lovely fish.
Pity aboot them eggs Hambone.
Comin' back to 'Merica today! I finally get to see the rescued betta and harlequins!

BTW i went to a German petstore and the fish section was amazing! They had Mosquito Rasboras! But I couldnt possibly take them on an 8 hour flight

they probably wouldn't has made it through customs either.. but I could has been wrong..
:D just went to the LFS for some food n declor. ended up coming back with 10 neon tetra aswell.

now im stocked :D well. maybe a bit over
Hey Lovelies!!!

decided that I am switching my middle sized tank to Mollys.. Been reading up on Mollys..

Need to get the guppys out of there
Hey Lovelies!
Opinions are well divided on mollys aren't they? I have one and I started off not liking him and thought of bringing him back but he's one of the most entertaining fish in the tank. He's also a glutton.
Hambone, what made you choose Mollys over Platys or Swordtails?
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