The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread

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Hey Lovelies1!!!

Juss got the call I was waiting on.. Off to Bean Town!!
Hey lovelies!

May go pick up my 100 lb of Rock at our local ups instead of waiting until Monday for delivery. It is only 5 min away lol
One of my male guppies in the 125 had a pretty severe case of dropsy, hes not suffering anymore.  I was a few days behind on my waterchange but that shouldn't have caused it, regardless I did a 75% WC instead of a 50
Hey Lovelies1!!!

Juss got the call I was waiting on.. Off to Bean Town!!
M3 is a great place to eat!!!

Had a few different thangs.. Wifey enjoyed some fine micro-brews!

A great day!@\

except for traffic
Axolotl update I've had them for almost a month now and they've doubled in size at least:


phantomlink said:
Picked up two Bumblebee catfish today, I believe they're South American ones, and got 6 black Kuhli Loaches they're living with my clowns atm
Hey Lovelies!!!

I got one of those.. Be prepared never to see him..
O yeah????

Caught one swimming around, and another playing in the bubble stream


maybe I has the asian kind.. you're a lucky man.. my cat always is under the log..
They're still beauties, and I'm glad they dont get larger then 3 inches, they're pretty much adult size already.  They didnt even have a price on their system for the catish, how much did you buy yours for?  The guy just "guessed" a price for them which seemed decent to me so I got them
phantomlink said:
They're still beauties, and I'm glad they dont get larger then 3 inches, they're pretty much adult size already.  They didnt even have a price on their system for the catish, how much did you buy yours for?  The guy just "guessed" a price for them which seemed decent to me so I got them
my wife bought them when we first got the tanks.. She paid 3.95 per.. Had two, killed one when I was looking for them.. Dint realize they bury them selves under logs.. kind of partially crushed the lil guy..
Nice freak fish pictures Phantomlink, makes mine look downright ordinary.  

Oh, and Go Ravens!  East Coast representin'...............
Hey Lovelies!!!

Wife brought home from the lfs some plants that I wanted and one that I dint want..

All plants has found happy homes in warious tanks..
I give you: Bettapolis!


Eclipse is going to get a few tank mates, azul will be alone he kills everything :/

I'm thinking a colony of cherry shrimps and a school of small tetra or something. I split the tank about 7/3. It's a 10 gallon.
Looks cool.  Did you shut down your Fluval Chi?  
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