The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread

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It's squid wards house!!!!!!!! God! :scream: jk lol the tanks look great!
Nice video Phantomlink. The tanks all look nice and healthy, thanks for sharing. It's true that pictures don't really do an aquarium justice. You can't see the activity level or the interaction between the different fish species.

Now I'll have to get to work on some videos of my tanks...............
Hey Lovelies!!!

Juss woke up aboot thirty mins ago.. Getting prepped to go to BT's Smokehouse for bbq..
Hey Lovelies!!!

Juss got back from BBQ.. I got ribs, sticky rib tips, andooey bites, mac and cheese and a ham and cheese sammich. The ham was from heirloom hogs from a local farm..

no gmo hog in that sammich..

I smell like bbq.. I've smelt worse...
Hey Lovelies! Here's a video of Betta Town:

From left to right: Samurai, Max & Igor

Ruskull, I just love how natural you have made those tanks look!!! I don't really like cleaning my fluval chi, because its a pita, so I think I may take my 10 gallon and do something similar then put the chi away for possibly marine use later :hyper:
Ruskull, I just love how natural you have made those tanks look!!! I don't really like cleaning my fluval chi, because its a pita, so I think I may take my 10 gallon and do something similar then put the chi away for possibly marine use later

Thanks MoF, I try to keep them clean. I'm still having some algae issues but not nearly as bad now that the lights are on a timer.

I recommend you get a divider too so you can keep both Bettas together but still apart, but make sure you get the "flat type," not the flimsy type.Notice how the blue slots that the mesh slides into have a flat back? Sits better against the glass that way. Oh, and the key to keeping the tanks easy to clean is the plants are all attached to something so they're easily moved for vacuuming.
Hey lovelies!!!

Here's my rough stock plan for my 120 gallon reef tank! Not set in stone, but I'm getting there!

1 yellow tang
1 blue tang
1 lamarcks angel
1 flame angel (possibly! Gotta decide if it's worth the risk lol)
1 pair or singleton of clown gobies, barber pole or striped tangerine gobies paired with a shrimp pair/ singleton
1 green coral goby, or one of the others that I don't get a pair of.
1 fire fish
1 striped fang blenny
5-6 clowns
1 koi fairy wrasse
Thanks for the vids phantomlink! I enjoyed! I especially liked the last tank because it's kinda the stocking that I would have if I had a big tank... I have a 30 gallon... but it'll do for now, it's full of my platies! My favourite fish
I like how it is right now, kinda miss seeing all the plants put those pumps made it impossible with the Hornwort. I'm still fighting the issue with my livebearers, it looks like its almost gone but until I know it is I wont add any of my fry to their tank. My guppy/endlers ( not sure really ) are starting to colour and I can see who is male and who is female
Hey Lovelies!!!

Dug out from this latest storm.. A lil combo of shovel and snow blower action or so I has heard..

Freshly out of the shower.. Looks like a has some guppy time in the near future then bbq for brefuss
Finally caught one of the Lemon Tetras yesterday & moved him to the 55 gallon with the rest of the Tetra gang. I still can't catch the others though, not without beating the carp outta my plants...............

Today I'll try enticing them with some frozen Brine & try to trick them into the net. The one I relocated is doing great in the bigger tank, just 4 more to move.
Hey Lovelies!!!

I am in the midst of what might very well considered my best beard ever.. This present beard i STARTED was in protest of the nhl lockout. I haven't shaved since 15Sep..

My plan is to shave it off and immediately as the nhl season starts, then start growing my Amsterdam beard, but I don't think it will be long enough for the desired effect..

So, I think I will shave off my beard when the season starts, but instead of shaving off my beard entirely, I am going to has the biggest set of sideburns since Elvis 1972.. Oh yeah.. For this plan to be put into motion, the bruins must hit the ice soon..

And I'll juss go to Amsterdam with some banging chops..
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