The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread

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Thanks Hambone, here's a couple of quick pictures:



........and a random one I just took of the Thicklip Gourami, he's very photogenic :)

Hey Lovelies!!!

I had one of my Ammano Skrimps showing black and yellow bands.. I had the wife take quite a few pics with the hope of entering him into Skrimp of the month.. None were good enough.. but I should has posted them here
I'm dying to see your tanks Hambone...........especially your customized filter setups.
He doesnt have a camera I think, I've tried to see his guppy sex farm and he said he couldnt take pictures
I'm dying to see your tanks Hambone...........especially your customized filter setups.

my tanks look great, actually never looked better.. but you should smell them.. they smell like how a tank should smell..

I'll has the wife take some pics.. I'll see if I can get them all up in Hey Lovelies..
I'm dying to see your tanks Hambone...........especially your customized filter setups.

my tanks look great, actually never looked better.. but you should smell them.. they smell like how a tank should smell..

I'll has the wife take some pics.. I'll see if I can get them all up in Hey Lovelies..

Really looking forward to some pics when you get a chance.

Merry Christmas Loverlies! Be sure to feed your fish something special today if you can...................

Merry Christmas lovelies!!!

Merry Christmas MoF.................
wow, shopping spree time! 200$ for my local LFS and 100$ for, WOOOHOOOO!!!!

Merry christmas all
Hey Lovelies!!!

Just decided to buy an Audi A3 TDI for my next wehicle..

that's a year or two off..
Put my oscar in with my pictus, he's still a baby but went from a 35 to a 75 gallon tank, watching him very carefully cause he's curious about the catfish, and they're curious about him as well. He's chased one so far and thankfully its one of the largest ones so he cant do any damage.

Gonna put up an add for my 50 and prob 75g tanks so I can justify the 125 loach tank to myself
Picked up a Marineland Maxi Jet 1400 and a 400, these things are great they are powerheads, circulation pumps, and utility pumps all in one very easy to change modes. One will go across my tank, and the smaller one will go towards the top to ripple my water better then the Eheim Spray bars do. Also stocked up on food, meds incase of future emergencies, some driftwood, more prime, 5 clown loaches, 3 more yoyos, 6 khuli loaches, and 4 baby store bred/raised upside down catfish

Now time for my waterchance, rearrange 3 of my tanks and get the clowns setup in their new home
Hey Lovelies! I think I pruned a bit too much in my 36 gallon last night................especially on one side. The good news is that they're plants so they'll grow back in even fuller this time. I also did big water changes on the Betta tanks and they really seem to appreciate it.
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