I bought my first book on aquaponics.. If I get another tank it's going to have to be up in this room I am typing from.. A cold water tank and we would start growing tomatoes and squarsh..
Since the world dint end today I am going to get a driveway extension and get it done over, and also I am getting a fence installed around my property..
Bought a test string of rope lights from Home Depot, they add a soft light to my pictus tank. Soon I'll build an enclosement for the lights so more light is reflected into the tank and I'll get some blues for that night/moonlight effect
Going to BT's Smokehouse today for BBQ!! cannot wait!
Also has some tank as well as pellet stove maintenance to do.. Turned the stove on in October and this will be my first time cleaning it this year.. Still hasn't burnt even a ton yet.. juss aboot, but not a ton..
If a lot of those fry survive it will be an amazing sight to see all those Danios swimming together as they would in the wild. Do you have any plans to keep or re home them? Personally I'd have a large dedicated tank for them................
Hey Lovelies! Major pruning necessary for my 36 gallon, need to clip & replant to thicken and layer the plants. Kinda looking forward to it in another hour or so. Earlier today I cleaned up one of our 20 gallon tank setups to be listed on craigslist.
Zach also said he wants to add some Black Phantom Tetras s to his 55 gallon so we'll be waiting for a sale on those, hopefully soon.
The zebra danio fry are all free-swimming now, i have a sponge filter in there and it's not too strong for them. I'm feeding them boiled egg yolk, mixing it with a bit of tank water and then with a pipette I take the cloudy water out (make sure there are no big bits of egg yolk in) and put it into the tank! They all have fat little bellies, just fed them
Hey Lovelies! We just added 6 Black Phantom Tetras to Zach's 55 gallon. So far, so good. I think we picked 4 large females and 2 small males. Pic to follow....................
Hey Lovelies! We just added 6 Black Phantom Tetras to Zach's 55 gallon. So far, so good. I think we picked 4 large females and 2 small males. Pic to follow....................