The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread

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Power has been out for a few hours, finally let to go home from work. Thankfully my filters are canisters so the media will be wet but no more heaters T.T hopefully we get power back by morning will have to wait and see...
Hey Lovelies!
I hope all you east-coasters are safe and well. Awful pics to wake up to this morning on t.v. We're thinkin' of you. :friends:
Ruskull and Crossfire, yeah I was naughty stayin' away from Lovelyland, wasn't intentional. Missed you Lovelies! :fish:
Halloween tomorrow. J refuses to dress up so he'll be going trick or treatin' as himself and R is gonna be a bat. Should be a laugh.
Later Lovelies! :D
hey Lovelies!

Some of the platy fry are in the main tank now, they grew faster than the rest of them! Here's the little ones, about 3 months old now!

If you're signed into your YouTube account i'd appreciate it it you 'liked' the video, everyone disliked my other one for no reason :sad:
So Ruskull, you're saying I should get 2 more gouramis? Making it 4 in total?

Wouldn't that create...chaos?
So Ruskull, you're saying I should get 2 more gouramis? Making it 4 in total?

Wouldn't that create...chaos?

Sure, why not? Sparkling G's are small so their bio load wouldn't be much. Adding two rather than one will spread any attention out between the three females. Of course you may find that the females don't get along, in which case you can return one or both of them depending on the situation.
wowowow WOW Ruskull! He's GORGEOUS! :drool:

Thanks Lucy, I'll tell him you said so!

He's the last one I'm getting for awhile. We now have the Double Tail Half Moon "Samurai or Sami" in his own 3 gallon, the Elephant Ear Super Delta named "Max" who's alone in the 10 gallon, and the Dragonscale Plakat named "Igor" now in the 3/4 gallon QT. I should be getting my new 10 gallon tank divider by Thursday night and we'll move Igor to the 10 gallon with Max.

I'm really liking these Bettas, very cool to watch them threaten each other through the glass. Sami & Igor look like they'd like to have at one another................

I don't like returning makes me feel bad :/

I'm sure no one likes to return fish, we all grow attached a bit. That's just a last resort if the fish are all dominating one of them. :rolleyes:
Holy Mama just had guppy time. Only it didn't involve fish.
Question 67 and 68, Dialogue and Poem 58 to name but few Chicago tunes from back in the day which I have just soothed my soul with thanks to Youtube. Man they were bloody good! :band:
Hey Lovelies, heading to bed now. Take care all! :zz
Hey Lovelies!!!

Casa Day Hambone was on full lock down the last couple days.. Surwived yet another tropical storm/hurricane..

Casualties of the storm: two cherry skrimps and one guppy..

The new filter I made seems to be working grrrrrrreaaaat..
Hey Lovelies!!!

Casa Day Hambone was on full lock down the last couple days.. Surwived yet another tropical storm/hurricane..

Casualties of the storm: two cherry skrimps and one guppy..

The new filter I made seems to be working grrrrrrreaaaat..

That's unfortunate Hambone..when I lost power for a week in the summer due to a microburst storm, the only casualties where the shrimp. I guess they can't handle swift changes as well as fish.
I have many relatives & friends in Long Island, NY and I'm happy to say they're all doing okay. Almost 50 people dead so far & at least 20 billion in damage.
Found the other female guppy dead today :( may try and find some females and just see what they make. Get like 3-4 and see what the rare males can create, if ya know what I mean :hey:

I think the female died from too much attention lol. Three males trying to mate with just her :eek:uch:
Hmm, that makes me question my guppy, I have one female that just wouldn't die ( not like I tried to kill her ) when I first setup the 20gallon the other month and didnt know about liquid test kits or the fishless cycle I had a round of neons die, male guppies eaten by my 2 pictus I had at the time, striped raphael died, Colombian sharks (wah) but she lived through it all. I got 6 good looking males the other week and they've been chilling in the 20g alone. Girlfriend caught the two albino cory and put them in the tank already and whenever I catch a Kuhli loach I put it in the tank since they keep getting sucked into my canister filters <.<

Long story short, I threw the female in the tank ( I know, instead of a 2:1 ratio I did 1:6 ) and instantly the biggest guppy which I consider the Alpha of their group started displaying and chasing away all the other males. After about 3 hours or so they aren't chasing her anymore but I would like to get some fry and see the results. I wanna make sure she gets pregnant but I dont wanna kill her from stress
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