The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread

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Hey Lovelies!!!

I got all my hurricane Sandy prep work done..

now it's time for bbq...

gots to do water changes on all my tanks in case I lose power..
If I get a 20 long I already have all the supplies (cackles) even for a regular 20 gallon I do.
Picture of my bettas:




Somehow I knew Crossfire would say to up the Kuhli population.................

Hey Lovelies!

So we brought the surviving Comet Goldfish to my father's house & he now lives in his very own 29 gallon tank. That's quite an upgrade from the 3 gallon cube he was calling home. Now we'll do a 100% water change on that 3 gallon & move Zach's new DT HM Betta into his new "apartment."

Meet "Samurai" or "Sami" for short. I finally got better "betta" pictures of him:


Wow those are nice Bettas Manofish, well done. :good:

Eclipse is a Half Moon Betta but what is Azzie, a Delta or Super Delta?
I'm pretty sure he's just a veiltail. ;)

Love Sami BTW! :hyper:
Hey Lovelies!!!

Woa, look at the time.. Where has this day gone?? off to do water changes..

wife is out shopping with the kid.. I axed her to hit the lfs for a quick guppy deal.. Need a new male for the sex farm..
Time to go chop up leaves with the lawn mower. How fun! Not.
I just finished the 100% water change on the 3 gallon & moved Sami to his new Condo....




Max watching closely as his neighbor moves in.......

Hey Lovelies!!!

Did my water changes on my tanks, now I am ready for the big storm..

Wife brought home two moss balls and a cobra endler..

Got my male stock for my new breeding project..
You have to post some pictures eventually's mandatory
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