The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread

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Hey Lovelies!!!

I decided yesterday that I am not going to shave until the NHL ends their lockout and gets back to playing hockey..
Omg. My internet finally came back on. I'm back from my month away from TFF! Hooray!! :hyper:
Hey Lovelies!!!!

My new tat is itching today somethang fierce..
Whats the tat of?

The BT's Smokehouse logo.. It entitles me to free bbq for life..

Hey Lovelies!!!

Took today off.. slept in until 0520 which was nice, now Im getting right down to binnus and doing what I got to do to make it through my day..

Going to BT's today, going to get some free bbq, need to get my Roo inspected today, and I need to do water changes also.

Moved a virgin female into my fry tank.. I has aboot eight fry in there, I am going to raise them, and then move them out of that tank.. I need to ensure that this female is in fact a virgin before I move the male I am going to breed her with into that tank.. My female is black bodied with a bright red tail.. The male I am going to breed her with is a solid yellow.. I wonder what their fries will look like.. Eventually I will see..
Tomorrow is da eekend!

Got some awesome things for my tank.

Fromia starfish
Big ole astrea
Huge reef hermit
2 small reef hermits, along with some chaeto, caulerpa, and 2 mexican cerith snails.
I'm working with a guy on a trade for some coins for a 75 gallon tank. Not sure if I'll do it. He seems to want a lot and I like my coins.
Hey Lovelies!!!

Juss got back from BT's Smokehouse.. Got ribs, brisket, mac and cheese, as well as stickey rib tips and andooey bites all for nothing..

five dollar tip actually
I just re-read the first 10 pages of this thread & it's STILL awesome. I can't imagine why some folks here & elsewhere can't get it?
A possible theme song for this thread? (Dear Mods, I screened the entire lyrics and no curses are used, thanks in advance, the Russman)
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