The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread

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Hey lovelies!

Sad news this morning. Inferno my betta has passed away..... :sad:

On the bright side today marks the start on my 36 gallon bowfront reef project!
Hey lovelies!

Sad news this morning. Inferno my betta has passed away..... :sad:

On the bright side today marks the start on my 36 gallon bowfront reef project!

that's a bold move.. sorry to hear aboot Inferno.. what color was he? blue??
Yeah, sorry to hear about your Betta. Any idea what caused his death?
Not sure why he died. I think it might have been from a tank rearange but im not sure.

He was red with a little metalic blue in his tail.

Thanks :good:

What do you think about Apisto. Agassizi for a replacement?
Hey Loverlies!

I'm doing a water change today on the 20 gallon which should make it easier to net the (4) Glowlight Tetras to put them into Zach's 55 gallon. They are fast little buggers though............wish me luck!

Next weekend I'll move the (5) Lemon Tetras from my 36 to the 55, and in another week I'll net the Von Rio Tetras and move them as well. It's all part of my evil plan to add Glass Cats & Rasboras to my 36 to keep it more Asian.

Not sure why he died. I think it might have been from a tank rearange but im not sure.

He was red with a little metalic blue in his tail.

Thanks :good:

What do you think about Apisto. Agassizi for a replacement?

Well it's sad either way. Unfortunately many of the Bettas we see in shops are already "on their last legs." How long did you have him? Did you test your water after you rearranged?
Glowlights are fast, i had 8 before, and it was way hard to catch them!

I had him for about 6 months. And i did test, everything was perfect.

I blame you X-Ray Pristella tetras.
I tried to put some female Bettas in my 20 high & they both died within 1-2 weeks. All the other fish were fine in that tank & there were no negative test results there either. I may try a King Betta male, but I won't get my hopes up too high.
Hey Lovelies!!!

Juss got back from the LFS.. got a new 30 inch Auqua Life HO lamp for the 37 gallon.. this is for optimal plant growth..
Hey lovelies!

Back from ziplining. Was awesome. Went on the 3rd longest zipline in the world! Bad news though, is my toe thingy is getting awful now, and infection is starting to devour the whole toe. Going to the doctor tomorrow, but it looks like surgery will be the only option :(
Just got back from having surgery. Went smoothly but I can't do much for a week which sucks. Oh well. This all started because some idiot hit my toe in a door. Meh :grr:
hope you feel better moffie. :good:

I once had an ingrown hair in my armpit that got severly infected, woke up with a tennis ball in my armpit :sick:
Eventually, it got so big, at the emergency room it looked like a second head. His name was Gregory.

All that remains is a little indented scar :look:
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