The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread

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*gasp* What? What happened?! How did this happen? You can still treat him with strong antibiotics! Go! Quick! Get medicine and QT him! There's still hope!

I have QT'd him! I have put in melafix, I don't know weather that is antibiotics or not, or even where the hell I can buy antibiotics in england... But I cannot go out now as it is 11:05pm, don't think my mum is willing to take me out at this time. Plus all of the shops are closed.. :crazy:

Melafix is only an antiseptic, I'm afraid. It won't help.

Try ordering it online, with overnight shipping. Try Mardel Maracyn. Or non-perscription antibiotics for fish like this or maybe API Fish Antibiotics.
Smokey died. There isn't even an emoticon for how sad I am right now, but this one comes close: :-( :-( :-(
Hey Lovelies!

What started off as a terrible day has now improved, I have just come home to 16 platy fry in my breeding box! :kana:

But 2 of them are strange curled up egg thingies... Now that Smokey is gone ( :byebye: ), I thoroughly cleaned my fry/quarantine tank and they are all swimming around happily with the 2 remaining coral red platies...!

I suspect they are swordtail/platy cross as the mum is bigger than my platies and looks sort of like a swordtail. The fry are also larger than platy fry normally are so... :dunno:
I have no idea why my posts still need approval like I'm public enemy number one.............

Anywa, I'm sorry to hear about your fish dying LucyB, but I'm sure it had a good life while it was alive & it became sorta famous here with that funny picture! I guess you need to look at the bright side sometimes. Congrats on the fry also!
Hey Lovelies!

What started off as a terrible day has now improved, I have just come home to 16 platy fry in my breeding box! :kana:

But 2 of them are strange curled up egg thingies... Now that Smokey is gone ( :byebye: ), I thoroughly cleaned my fry/quarantine tank and they are all swimming around happily with the 2 remaining coral red platies...!

I suspect they are swordtail/platy cross as the mum is bigger than my platies and looks sort of like a swordtail. The fry are also larger than platy fry normally are so... :dunno:
Someone tried to break into my house!
The jerk interupted Game of Thrones!

I have a knife and a big stick by my side...... :crazy:

Hey Lovelies!!!

Getting mentally prepared to do massive water changes on all my tanks.. I'm talking plant maintenance, algae scraping.. All that jazz, but first I must focus... Focus..
Someone tried to break into my house!
The jerk interupted Game of Thrones!

I have a knife and a big stick by my side...... :crazy:

Precisely the reason why I am a proud gun totin rednek :p

I wish we lived in a world where guns were not needed. There were no criminals trying to murder, rape or steal. A world where there was world peace and no tyrannical governments trying to enslave their own populations. unfortunately we dont live in such a world..

An armed society is a free society, or so I has heard..
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