The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread

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Anyone seen "panda endlers" in their LFS? My MA had some in - they look like tiny blackish, purpley, bluey (I can't decide) guppies lol - how's that for a description?

They were really stinkin' cute. I can't find any pictures on google image search so they are probably totally made up!
Ah-ha, a search for panda guppy turns up results. They were smaller than regular guppies and had shorter tails and the image results seem to show that...

Cuties :p
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I'd like to see these new Guppies you're talking about. Maybe you could post some pictures?
Unfortunately i won't be back to my lfs for a few weeks to get pictures of the real deal but if you do a google image search of panda guppy i think that's them :)
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Ah, thanks AA. I was just being lazy I suppose. :lol:
Hey Lovelies!!!

Juss put my daughter to bed.. she says good night to the guppys, kitty and oto cats..

Good night oto cats!
Hey Lovelies! Set up a little tank (with mature media...) yesterday for the fry and they seem happy :nod:
Hey lovelies!
Be ready to be inspired

actually that was a relief.. I thought the whole youtubery was going to be aboot some guy giving shoes to a homeless girl in Venezuela..

thanks for sharing.. :blink:
Hey Lovelies!!!

I got me a guppy who is hasing fries right now.. She's the daughter of my fave guppy who died last month..

I got me a new fave guppy now.. She's a blue delta tail..
Hey Lovelies.

It's a sad, sad day today. Smokey is seriously ill. He has started pine-coning, he cannot swim properly and he has lost all of his colour. I fear the worst might happen tonight and he will no longer be with us.

Let us remember him.




*gasp* What? What happened?! How did this happen? You can still treat him with strong antibiotics! Go! Quick! Get medicine and QT him! There's still hope!
*gasp* What? What happened?! How did this happen? You can still treat him with strong antibiotics! Go! Quick! Get medicine and QT him! There's still hope!

I have QT'd him! I have put in melafix, I don't know weather that is antibiotics or not, or even where the hell I can buy antibiotics in england... But I cannot go out now as it is 11:05pm, don't think my mum is willing to take me out at this time. Plus all of the shops are closed.. :crazy:
antibiotics are hard to get in the UK - I think you have to go to the vet, not sure.
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