The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread 2

Ruskull said:
"Bacteria for water changes????"
Yeah main...
Ah, I thought you were talking about snake oil stuffed like actual bottled bacteria.

Man of fish said:
Hey lovelies!

Bought an autographed copy of blazin' Texas' album last night at the mall. Lol he said he's gonna be te next big thing so for $10 I figured why not if he does get famous it'll be worth more than $10 haha
Manofish, the big investor........LOL
Me and my friends bought a lobster from publix for $30. He lived for about 2 days in a 30 gallon tank and then we are him cuz he didn't seem happy haha. He tasted delicious.
Hey Lovelies!!!
It's been snowing for the last few months.. I hate winter.. I wish Barry would make winter illegal so we would not has to deal with it any longer...
Was supposed to drive to RI today, but since it's snowing again I am going to has to suffer..
Hey Lovelies!  Hopefully March will go as quickly as February has and we'll be mowing lawns, swimming in pools & having bonfires soon enough.
Ooo I don't do the whole bonfire thing in the summer. Too hot. That's a winter occurance here.

Hey lovelies!

Bought a new phone case today, as a broke another today on accident. Haha otterbox claims it to be indestructible but all I did was it fell out of my pocket and I accidentally stepped on it (was running and I couldn't stop quickly enough) and it cracked. Luckily the phone is perfectly fine but now I need a new case. Got the same type of case but this one has a Florida gators pattern on it instead of the other 2 that I broke which were just black and then the most recent one was white with a grey inside.
Spring my brother, it's Spring we're talkin' about here.  I'm well aware of how hot it can get even at night here in the South.

Hey Lovelies!  All tanks are doing fine, especially now that I pay my son to help with the water changes.  We're getting ready to re home a couple of Bristlenose Pleco, my father would like another one and that'll free up some space in the 20 gallon so I can move some Tetras from the 55 gallon to that tank.  The plan is to make room for more Rainbows!  I want to add a couple more Bosemanis and I figure 1 FAT Bristlenose equals 2 young Boseman's right?

Awesome Live version:
Hey Lovelies!!!
Never heard of The Killers rusk.. Good tune.. They seem to pack the house.. I thought the singer was doing a Bill Clinton impersonation before he started singing the song..
Bad things are happening at Casa Day(sic) Lebowski.. I was sick the other day.. I was not puking but had all kinds of other bad thangs happening.. Like for instance it took me over three hours to drink one beer.. So I haven't been drunk or beer buzzed all week and that is horrible..
The wife got so sick the other night I had to take her to the hospital.. She has The Norovirus.. So that is probably what I has had.. Hasn't smoked in a few days so now my body is starting to purge all the lung butter.. I am coughing up stuff that is gray, black, and green depending on where you look in the phlegm.. But no red, so that's cool, no lung cancer(yet) or tb..
Weird, I've been sick for about a week.  It's all sinus related though with only slight fever.  Today is the best I've felt in quite some time but now my son has the bug..........
Weird fact:  I drank a single beer each day since I've been sick and it helps clear the congestion, or at least it feels like it does anyway.
I've had a slight stuffy nose and sneezing also. Nothing too bad. I had a very bad cold 2 weeks ago though.
Hey Lovelies!!!!

Started playing angry birds go today.. Downloaded it a few weeks ago.. Dint care for it a first, i was using the tilt steering. But i changed the steering today to tapping left and right to steer, it is a totally different gaming experience..
Angry Birds, or Flappy Bird?
Flappy Bird is over son has it on his Tablet.  Supposedly you can sell a tablet or phone with the app and get ridiculous amounts of money for it.
Is Flappy Birds a British thing like Vegemite??

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