The Most Overstocked Tank On Fleabay?


Fish Herder
Feb 3, 2012
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Those of a sensitive disposition look away now!

i can bet some one will buy it and keep all the fish has they are thinking its fine. Instead of re homing the fish and giving them a better life.
Not for long, how long do you think a common plec, an oscar and clown loach will even survive in there? Crazy!
Wow. Why I cannot manage to keep a couple of oto's alive, but this guy can keep that stocking is mind boggling really...
Sadly he has it decorated fairly nicely also....a handful of male guppies or a betta as the stocking and the tank would have been lovely!
Pretty awful and shocking to see, what is more awful and shocking is that i have seen worse! Oscars seem to be a common favourite for tanks around 20x too small for them. I have always been curious as to the thought process behind things like this, surely it is obvious to anyone that the fish can not lead a happy life in there.
Hopefully there is someone in Southern England, possibly London, that could buy this... someone with knolwedge, time, space and a forgiving wife/husband ! Unfortunately, the next best offer would be the RSPCA. Sadly, as has been mentioned, scenes like these are probably all too familiar without us knowing about them.

im not too far away, but my tank couldnt hold that lot... although the mil has a tank that could and only has endler/guppies in... i doubt she would buy it though
Really sad, just feel for the poor fish, it's worse than prison for them I imagine :(
I think the worst part of all is that by reading the description, you know that the seller KNOWS the oscar will get far too big for this tank, and yet it's in there anyway.
I'm more surprised an Oscar that big hasnt eaten the rest yet, mine beat up my RTS before I separated them, and she was bigger then the Oscar

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