Ok, as some may know I have a ton of bettas, all splendens. I've never bred them because I would want to run a background check on all perspective buyers at my lfs , and for the 1.50 a piece my lfs would give me it just doesn't seem worth it, but it IS interesting and something I'd like to try
Well.....I was talking to my husband about it and mentioned that Faith on Bettatalk.com had some SWEEEEEET orange plakats, he asked why I didn't buy them and I brushed it off, blah blah blah money, blah blah space, and my most infamous defense...."I wouldn't love high dollar bettas any more than I love my cheapo babies" BUT he convinced me to purchase them and try breeding them and selling the babes on aquabid.com , fabulous idea!!!
SOOOOO, somehow I managed to snag the plakat pair, which Faith said was an absolute miracle since the orange bettas went so fast. I guess they were my destiny
They should be here next week and I can't wait to see them! I'm now setting up a 2.5 for them to reside in ,and a 10 to breed in.