Empty Tank, Unhappy With My Decisions

if you want a puffer community, i would go with schoutedeni puffers
They are really expensive, aren't they? I think I saw one list at almost $150 at one of the fish stores I frequent.
i normally see them for a lot more
i would buy another one if i saw one for $150
but then that would make a problem with aggression with my current one, so i'm waiting until i can get a good sized group at once
That makes sense. If $150 is cheap, I definitely can't afford a group of them.
i normally see them for a lot more
i would buy another one if i saw one for $150
but then that would make a problem with aggression with my current one, so i'm waiting until i can get a good sized group at once
Polypterus! Below, polypterus delhezi, polypterus mokelembembe, and
Erpetoichthys calabaricus, which is infact a species in the family Polypterus.

my father would disown me if i got excited and decided to buy a fish because "it looked like a snake" 🤣
My mom is deathly afraid of snakes and bugs, but doesn't look too closely at the tanks other than the ones right next to the couch. She thinks my puffers look like "bug eyed freaks that like to watch you".
You could do:

3 Ropefish (plenty of hiding spots)
1 African Butterflyfish
12 Congo Tetras
I am really liking the idea of a communitytank with ropefish. I could go get a bunch of dragonstone (I am coming into a bit of a bumper crop, loaned someone money and they are giving interest back), and do more stone than sand with just a patch showing in the front. A medium-large schooling fish, and a fish that likes the upper tank.
The proposal above would be a semi-agressive community tank, which is really fun to watch. I’ve kept Congo’s, and they are the best too watch…when they establish a group. In total, I kept 18 Congo tetras, and they all killed each other down to 1. My advice is to get a small group at around 1”, and get 10-12 to establish heriarchies right away. I didn’t do this. I got 4, the another 3, and then they killed each other off, and it was disaster from there.
The proposal above would be a semi-agressive community tank, which is really fun to watch. I’ve kept Congo’s, and they are the best too watch…when they establish a group. In total, I kept 18 Congo tetras, and they all killed each other down to 1. My advice is to get a small group at around 1”, and get 10-12 to establish heriarchies right away. I didn’t do this. I got 4, the another 3, and then they killed each other off, and it was disaster from there.
My current green tiger barbs are the same. Had five, got five more, got five more. The three different bunches are picking one another apart slowly. Taking the survivors to my lfs this weekend, where they have about 50 assorted tiger barbs.
Do you like my stocking? It could be an African oddball community tank! This is one of my dream tanks! You can bump the ropefish number up to 5 if you really want.
Do you like my stocking? It could be an African oddball community tank! This is one of my dream tanks! You can bump the ropefish number up to 5 if you really want.
I have never kept the butterfly or congos, but I do like it. Male congos do get a striking color, but it wouldn't take away from the ropefish. I think I might try it. Worst comes to worst, the lfs makes more money off of me with a trade in...

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