The Juwel Jungle

The tetra CO2 won't be anywhere near enough, especially for growing HC.
Good fert is Tropica Plant Nutrition +. Contains all the nutrients (micro and macro) you need.
If you don't want to go pressurized CO2 then your best bet for introducing carbon to the tank is Easylife EasyCarbo dosing 7ml everyday. To avoid algae problems I'd only have the tank lights on for 7hours a day.
wow nice tank..may have to evict my coldwaters living in my rio 180 and do something similar!
OK thanks for the tips. Yeah I have to fill up the diffusion tube twice a day. Next time I will get a proper unit lol.

Unless you get some EasyCarbo and dose it everyday, you will keep having CO2 algae related problems until you get a pressurized system.
Ok thanks. Here is a picture of the external I managed to pick up for £40. It does 900L an hour and has a 3L media capacity:


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