The Indecisive Journal Of Trod's 5 Footer

Good call Scott and Ski :good: Just blasted it off with turkey baster, so next question, is that good or bad :crazy:

Day 10

Got up this morning to absolute disaster :eek: water everywhere around the tank, OMG panic, just a bit. I turned everything off and mopped the floor up, then went on the hunt for the leak, once found I got some silicone and sealed it, it was coming from the top of the tank, the rubber seal had gone, so it hadn't been noticed until I filled the tank to the top, and it has been gradually dripping away un-noticed, anyway all sealed now and water tight again :good:

20% water change done.

Ammonia 1.5 still so didn't bother with other tests.

Another question, Lights, should I be putting them on now or not?????

Someone tell me all this will be worth it :unsure:

Its just die off from the rock, i guess it could be used as a good sign, or just a normal one. It happens, things on your LR die seeing as it isnt cured. Mine were covered in it, came back beautiful! Completely normal nothing to worry bout.

Ski might have to back me up on this, but im pretty sure you can just siphon it off the rocks. Or i could be really wrong and that could cause some ammonia or something, not sure.

I would put the lights on, get some algea growing in there.

Your doing a good job! stay strong! and yes, its very worth it
Thanks guys :good:

Day 11

Another 20% water change :rolleyes:

Ammonia 1.5 no change

Water is getting nice and clear, the protein skimmer isn't working quite so hard, bubbles have settled down :good:
Lights are on now for around 8 hours.
Blimey is it :unsure: seems like forever!!!!

Day 12

Done a clear up today, taken Ehudd and Ski's advice and had a good syphon out this morning :blink: why do you always miss a bit and not notice till you've put everything away :unsure: :huh: I also moved the LR around a bit,

25% water change done

No change in Ammonia. :rolleyes:
Day 13

Tank at a standstill at the moment, unfortunately, while I was cleaning it out yesterday, I have hurt my back :crazy: I tried to get up this morning and couldn't move :shout:
So everything on hold, it will have to sort itself out for a couple of days!!!!!!!!!

Will report back when I can move :rolleyes:
Day 13

Tank at a standstill at the moment, unfortunately, while I was cleaning it out yesterday, I have hurt my back :crazy: I tried to get up this morning and couldn't move :shout:
So everything on hold, it will have to sort itself out for a couple of days!!!!!!!!!

Will report back when I can move :rolleyes:

Oh gawd, is it all hands on deck then for next water change :good: let us know when/if you want us round, can't let a bad back get in the way of tank progress :blink:

Big sis x

:wub: Thank you sis x
It should be ok for a couple of days. Also waiting for delivery of more salt :rolleyes: so if I'm still incapacitated by then I'll give you a call :good:
:yahoo: :yahoo: :kana: :kana:
Just got an email from pay pal, they are giving me a full refund for the skimmer I never received. How good is that :good:
Bad news about the back, good news about the skimmer :)

Take care Trod, I've been laid up like that before too. Never pleasant. Get well soon :)

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