The funniest thing you've ever seen your fish do


Fish Addict
Feb 5, 2004
Reaction score
The Great White North
I just witnessed the funniest thing ever to happen in a fishtank. I was experimenting with different fish foods, and I tried cooked peas. I put half of one in. The littlest tiger barb in the tank (2cm or so) grabbed it. When it realized that every fish in the tank was after it for the pea, it ran. I saw a little tiger barb, holding a huge (compared to it) pea in its mouth running for dear life. 5 tiger barbs, 2 clown loaches and a blood parrot were after it. Finally, a bigger barb (by bigger I mean 3 times its size) and grabbed the pea. All the tiger barbs swarmed it, almost like a school of little pirannahs.

That's my best fish story so far. What are your favorites?

My second best is something my cichlid used to do; grab the chunk of brineshrimp and tow it to a cave my tiger barbs wouldn't fit in. One fish had all the food, and all the others were outside the cave, trying to find a way in.
aint that why we all like to keep fish....

so comical to watch some times......;o)

have you ever seen a sturgeon trying to take surface floating pellets....hhahahaha

shouldnt let them do it tho

macky :D :D :D :D :D :D :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Back a coupleyears ago, I add some neons SD's and an angelfish/ One day, I was feeding the fish, just like any other day. A neon swam to the top, straight up from the bottom and began to eat some flakes. Right behind it, coming from the bottom, was the angelfish which, following the exact path of the neon, proceeded to the top where it casualy swallowed the neon. Over the next three days, 6 more neons were MIA :unsure:
I have silver-tip tetras that are maybe an inch long who have a serious love of blood worm.

I have some freeze-dried bloodworms that are half as long as the tetras. These guys will grab the end of a bloodworm and then stretch their mouths way out to get the end of the worm in. It takes them forever to eat them. A couple of times I've seen them sink to the bottom and lay there patiently gnawing on their prize until they can shove it all down.

I don't feed them these too often because their love of them almost seems suicidal!
drobbins27 said:
Back a coupleyears ago, I add some neons SD's and an angelfish/ One day, I was feeding the fish, just like any other day. A neon swam to the top, straight up from the bottom and began to eat some flakes. Right behind it, coming from the bottom, was the angelfish which, following the exact path of the neon, proceeded to the top where it casualy swallowed the neon. Over the next three days, 6 more neons were MIA :unsure:
Aren't Neons the natural diet of Angels in the wild?

Expensive feeder fish. LOL. :D
Gross and funny.. eating poo out of anothers.. bootay!

I can tolerate most things, but poo and feet... eeeewwwwuuuuuu

fortunatly fish have fins so they only loose one point.
Every morning, my golden gourami, will go in circles around my Amazon Sword plant. He will do it ALL morning, until I feed the tank he's in!!
It's funny to watch our silver dollars swim around with a chunk of an algae tablet in their mouth. We break it into four pieces and they grab one and swim around with it. Looks like they have a cigar in their mouth. One of these days we're going to take a picture of it.

Another funny story. We have a large hurricane lamp glass globe in the 240-gallon. The angel fish like to swim through it sometimes. One day we walked up to the tank to feed them and all the angels came to the top except one that was in the globe. It looked up and was trying to push it's way through the top of the glass to get to the top of the water with the rest of them. It struggled for a few seconds just trying to get through it. Finally it swam out one of the ends.
One day I came in and my zebra danios were playing a game with the snail. It had fallen off the side of the tank and the zebras thought it was food because they were chasing after and fighting over it and nudging. Then, when it hit the bottom, they all hovered along there watching it until it just moved away like nothing had happened.

Also, one day I was looking in my tank and I noticed that one of my ghost shrimp was magically floating up the wall. After taking a closer look, I saw that the shrimp had hitched a ride on one of the larger snails. :D
Last week I started to use shrimp pellets for the first time ever. I dropped them in,and the fish could not figure out what the hell happened to the food because they're used to floating food...Well after about 5 minutes,one of the baby mollies discovered the shrimp pellets and thought he had a buffet all to himself...Once the rest of the fish saw the shrimp pellet particles floating around,they attacked the bottom of the tank all in a swarm pecking at each other and pushing each other out of the way. LOL Reminded me of the L.A. riots. :lol:
I keep a 15 gal tank right next to my 70 gal , about 2" away .
They both sit at the same height of the floor , the top of my 70 is about 6 " higher then the 15 .
Both tanks have perfecto lights with covers , they cover just about the whole tank ,except for about a 2" opening across the back of each cover .O.K. with me so far .
I found this little gourami in my lfs ,went home and looked it up , a croaking gourami . It was small , dark brownish in color with blue higlights around his fins and his eyes were this blueish color for some reason , Damn he was a pretty little fish .
Went back , got um , took um home and put him in the 15 for 2 weeks before adding him to the 70 gal comunity . So I add him to the 70 after 2 weeks , he hid alot but I could always find him .
After about 4 days I couldn't find him at all ,and gave up looking, my tank was heavily planted , I figured he was dug in somewhere hiding .
I don't remember why but I looked over at the 15 and there he was looking right at me . I said to my self I could've sworn I put it in the 70 , I netted him and put him in the 70 .
A couple of days later he's back in the 15 .He did this about 5 times , I don't for the life of me know how he did it so accurately , but every time put him back he'd jump out .
He really didn't have anything to fear in the 70 so I figured there was something in the 15 that he liked so I left him , 2 days later he's gone again , I look in the 70 which is about 6" higher and I couln't find him .
Ironicaly and this is the sad part of my story . I found my croaking gourami on the floor , he had indeed croaked , I felt so bad . I never even gave getting another a second thought , THE BOOK DIDN'T SAY THEY JUMPED AND NEITHER DID THE GUY I BOUGHT HIM FROM . I sure was funny that is until he missed. [ This happened about 8 years ago ]
Not really any specific story, but its funny when my loaches swim around franticly for about 30 seconds and then just stop, hover there for a second, and fall over. They lay on their side until another fish bumps into them, then they freak out again. My clown, yo-yo, zebra and sometimes the kuhulis all do this. Gotta love the loaches. Its also kind of funny how my half-inch puffers try to bully around fish 10 times the size of them...
I was searching for a funny fish thing to post this in. Here is where I ended up.

A few weeks ago I noticed that my adult guppies love to swim in front of (against) the water flow from the filter. It is like they are on a tread mill. Well it must be in their blood. Today I was watching my Guppy fry in their tank and 15 or so of them were up by the water flow swimming against the flow. Do they inspire to be salmon someday?
my puffers are all about the live foods, though usually they have to make do with frozen. but when i give them live tubifex worms or brineshrimp, its fun to watch them becasue they'll stalk and then pounce and grab the food and if its a worm, they shake it. reminds me of my dog. fun to watch.

my gouramis also entertain me. one likes to snap the thermometer against the glass all evening long while i watch tv. another time, i had been using their tank to hold molly fry as they were too big to all be in the livebearer tank. the time had come for the fry to be traded in to a lfs so i was netting them out. the net of course gets all the fish upset, and one gourami in particular (still not sure which one), decided to tell me off and spit water at me, and get this, hit me right in the eye!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

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