The funniest thing you've ever seen your fish do

My Rummy Noses get really sleepy at night time. Their eyes go purple, and if you turn the light back on after an hour or so, they are floating around like a dead fish colourless. It scared me the first time but now it just makes me laugh. I showed my sister when they were like it and she was like " OMG THEY ARE DYING "..

Oh and its usually just my female cherry barb who stretches her fins, tail, and lips all at the same time. so cute!!

Oh and my male endlers stretch at my female guppy so much they start shaking!!
Funniest thing I have seen recently has been the porky gorging himself at feeding time:

I have one of those Nutrafin CO2 thingys with the ladder diffuser. My 2 goldfish wait in front of it until the bubble builds up and then go and poke it so it comes out, and then swim away as proud as ever. They are often both there trying to be first to poke the bubble.

My Black khuli loaches swim donuts on the side of the tank and it looks like they are deliberately trying to knock my snails off the side (often succeeding).
i got three fins that off the top of my head have made me laugh with my fishies:

1. couple of days after introducing my female kribensis to the tank, she starts going after my ghost shrimp. apparently she had never eaten one and wasn't experienced with what can happen if you dont chew your food...well she ate a ghost shrimp backwards and she couldn't swallow the thing and had the antennas coming out of her mouth for almost an entire day! :hyper: i thought she'd die from it but somehow she got over it and didnt get injured :blink:

2. my fish YAWN...i think it's hilarious :blush:

3. one of my apple snails was climbing up the back glass and i guess it got onto a leaf that had come off one of my plants, and the leaf got pushed by the filter current, so my snail was literally surfing on top of the leaf through the tank! :hyper: it was hilarious until it decided it was too much and let go of the leaf :angry:

4. i thought this was funny. this guy climbed all the way to the top of my tallest plant, to the very top of it, then walked to the edge and did the rocker thing...'cause he's a cool apple!
I liked when I newly introduced My Otos to my Cardinal Tetra Tank. I dont think my Cardinals knew what they were (or just showing whose tank it is), but one cardinal came up to an Oto and nipped its fin. At this point the Oto spun around, leaped at the Cardinal, and Locked lips and wrestled for a second of two. No damage, and no since issues.

I also like feeding time with only Cardinals. None go to the top to eat, they all swim under the filter output and wait for the food to be blown under. At which point they all attack one piece of food, usually resulting in collisions.
The funniest thing I ever saw was in my sons shrimp tank. He threw in a few peas and one of the shrimps grabbed one and tried to climb the ornament he has in there. Its about 12" high and this shrimp was trying his best to climb this thing backwards with a huge pea in his claws. We must have watched him struggle for a couple of minutes. He was just at the top when he dropped the pea! You could almost hear him say 'Dammit!!!' :lol:

Haha! I love shrimp , they are such characters!

My Ghost shrimp also likes to grab and run. He will swim right to the surface legs going like the clappers, through the current to vy with the Danios for food, or else he'll scurry back and forth along the bottom and grab anything within reach. I have seen him make off with whole algae tablets ( actual tabs not wafers ) and swim for all he's worth to get on a leaf and away from anyone who might take it off him :rolleyes: I've even seen him march right up to my bottomfeeders and steal things clean out of their mouths, then run away and munch it all to himself in a corner. :hyper:

My grumpy female Krib has also started to do an amusing trick now I've added a big plastic root ornament. It's hollow on the top and has a hole underneath too. Being a typical Krib she's taken over this luxurious hideyhole, and won't let anyone swim under it. But now she has discovered that it is hollow inside, she'll swim in through the hole underneath, and then BURST out of the top without warning at anyone who is unfortunate enough to swim directly over it. My gourami was the unfortunate victim once and it's a bloody good job I have a splash tray or she'd have gone straight into the light or the metal lid! :blink:
Holy 4 year old thread Batman! 0_o

Anyway my fish don't tend to be funny. I am thinking of getting an oscar soon, though, so perhaps I will have some stories to tell. :)
my mosquito fish once hid in the bubbles my bubble-maker thingy wuz making. thats y her name is Bubbles :) . it wuz funny. -heart :wub: , ally86ozzy
I have a 29 gallon with 2 neons, 2 kribs, 1 cory, a million guppies, their all from the same female that i had. She had frys every 3 weeks and 1 day it was crazy. well i gave her a way and for some reason i think my fish have developed a fear of the dark or have seperation anxiaty because every night they go into a shplashing frendzy so i feed them(you think they were starved) and turn on my tv and when im ready to go to sleep i turn off my tv the then fish light and for some reason every night they all go to the same spots the kribs go in the cave the cory goes with his girl friend(a plastic glow in the dark rock) and the neons and the guppies force them selve in to one corner and fight to be against the glass. its almost like they thing theres a shark in there with them and its every man for him self but they do this everynight! i have no clue why... :rolleyes:

pic is of my 10gallon were they lived temperarily (dont mined the baby net in pic).
well theres 2 things weird about my fish 1 i dont see them eat and 2 they sleep alot lol
Back a coupleyears ago, I add some neons SD's and an angelfish/ One day, I was feeding the fish, just like any other day. A neon swam to the top, straight up from the bottom and began to eat some flakes. Right behind it, coming from the bottom, was the angelfish which, following the exact path of the neon, proceeded to the top where it casualy swallowed the neon. Over the next three days, 6 more neons were MIA :unsure:

Thats hilarious!! :hyper:

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