honestly, I always get quite a few replys.
I'd say half of them are friendly, understanding advice.
I'd say 2/6th of them have been agressive, but with good cause to have me understand the situation clearly.
But then I'd say 1/6th end up hateful. I don't "do" repeate questiongs, but I do like to inquisit as to "why" something is that way. Who doesn't? And where have I found out most of my information...
Who talked me out of the 40 gallon strech hex?
Who talked me out of an African Brown Knife?
Who's getting me to rehome my pleco and discus?
Who's got me extra information on all the fish I have?
Who's helped me get started in the right direction for a marine tank?
Who's helped me educate myself on all things fish?
Tropical Fish Forums of Course.
It gets it done. And it does it Friendly most of the time
I had just noticed tensions, bickering, and all together a worse mood towards many things lately
But overall, this still is the best tropical fish fourm around, IMO.