Awesome, the Limnophila, Star Grass and Rotala in my tank do that too. Looks bare when I turn on the lights but after an hour its all thick and bushy again.
Just bought some of the Costata for my planted tank too, very impressed with it so far, gonna be picking up another 4 pots this week for totm.
here's a couple of new pics...the Hygrophilla rosae Australis is going absolutely brilliantly (its the only one that has been cut)! However everything else is going very slow. Just wanted to compare planted to now.
first planted
now (1 month)
I just wish the Ludwigia arcuata would get going!
Still waiting for my Resun external filter as well.
Ian, have you heard of Marsilea minuta or hirsuta? Might be a nice plant to try. It's really small and stays low to the ground. Might be nice for creating more depth in this tank. This could change over time, but right now, a lot of the stuff is the same size. I know, extremely difficult to achieve different leaf shapes and sizes on a nano this small and you're doing great, don't get me wrong. If you squish the long leaved green plant in the front right to the right side more and then add a path of Marsilea minuta and maybe mix with hirsuta which is a bit taller, you'll create a fabulous path, which will really make this tank uber Dutch. Cause you have a good focal point, I'm just adding another line that would lead to it.
Thats a really good idea llj! I may add that or something along the same lines, i'm off down to the lfs tomorrow and they have a good plant range, i'll have a look around.