I'm surprised that it likes the ice, but then it is probably enjoying the chill/ numbing sensation on its tongue. My two galahs used to have a favourite self made game of throwing all of my mums plastic clothes pegs out of the basket on to the concrete below. I watched them in the act and they would pick up a peg, drop it over the side of the stand, cock their heads to one side as they digested the sound of it hitting the concrete, before repeating the procedure until thet had tossed out every peg (well over 50). Then they would go back to the ground select one peg each and fiddle with it in their beaks. Kalang (means pretty one) the male would open and close the peg (like you would if you were using it to hang washing) and every so often the peg would shoot out of his beak and skitter across the concrete. Kalang would then follow the peg, pick it up again and keep squeezing it trying to make it shoot off again. These same galahs would also pick marigolds out of the garden and walk around the yard twirling the marigolds in their beaks but not destroying them, looking for all the world as if they were twirling miniture parasols. Kalang more so than his mate Darlin (so named because she was the sweetest natured galah ever) also loved chewing on our dogs raw beef bones, so much so he would chase the dog off the bone with bites and telling her "Go away". I also found out with kalang that I had to be extra careful about any bird bell designs as he once managed to get his bottom mandabel wedged in the slot of a bell, it was not any easy task to free him, while he was getting madder and madder and generally freaking out. I then made a bell for the galahs out of a tin/ enamal mug that I drilled a hole through and ran a dogs chocker/ check chain through off the end I put a selection of old keys. The galahs would poke thier heads up inside the mug and chatter away in the dark and at other times they would grab the chain and swing it around like a bell ringer making a great noise, while at other times they were happy to just fondle the keys.