The Best Zombie Movie Ever


Fish Addict
Jun 24, 2007
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Smack Dab in the Center of the Good Ol' U.S. of A
Hey, here's an interesting idea, what's the best zombie movie(s) you've ever seen?
I like the Resident Evil movies, and I want to see the 3rd one sooo bad, but I'd have to say the best zombie movie I've ever seen is Shaun of the Dead.
That's a classic movie! :lol:
So, what's yours?
Yup, Hot Fuzz was great, I watched it with the cops at work (I'm a dispatcher), and they all thought it was hilarious.

My favorite zombie movie is also Shaun of the Dead, and I really love the Resident Evil Movies too, can't wait to see the third one. Though they weren't technically zombies, I love 28 Days Later too.
yeah shaun of the dead is so funny, it has me in kinks lol.

Best one though has to be dawn of the dead, the original 1960's one
28 days later was good the first 5 times..

same with resident evil 1

28 weeks later was pretty good.

... resident evil 2 was decent i guess... 3rd one was better then the 2nd

i like zombie movies a lot
Lol Shaun of the Dead gets my vote, its hilarious- hot fuzz was great too, even though it isn't a zombie movie.

Haven't watched that many zombie movies, although i did think 28days later was very good :good: .

The Japanese (definately not the western version- the two versions are VERY different from each other) original version of The Ring was another very good horror movie, that zombie dead coming out of the tv girl freaked me out man Lol :lol: .
Shaun of the Dead was fierce, i love the Resident Evil films but i think that the most 'zombie'ish' of films in this genre is the updated version of George A Romero's Dawn of The Dead! Its how the zombies can run that gets me every time! GRJ :crazy:
Got to be the original Dawn of the Dead

And i am not sure of the technical definition of a Zombie LOL

I thought it was just a dead peep who comes back to life and bites peeps

I also saw the Zombie Diaries recently, a low budget UK one, i liked it as they model the Zombies on Dawn of the Dead, thats my idea of a Zombie, not something that sprints (aka Dawn of the Dead remake) LOL

Just to dig an old one out, try Googling "Zombie Lake" one of the first i ever saw.......
I remember seeing the original zombie movies years ago and was forced to watch them by my older brothers(the pratts!LOL!), so maybe it hardened me to them, but the running thing they do REALLY freaks me out! Zombies are supposed to shuffle, not sprint, as you rightly said Fy Lover! GRJ :ninja:
I remember seeing the original zombie movies years ago and was forced to watch them by my older brothers(the pratts!LOL!), so maybe it hardened me to them, but the running thing they do REALLY freaks me out! Zombies are supposed to shuffle, not sprint, as you rightly said Fy Lover! GRJ :ninja:


i quite enoyed the re-make of Dawn of the Dead, still prefer the original, but when i was watching the re-make and i first saw that male zombie peep running after his wife i thought "what the hecks going on here", zombies chasing cars, i thought "that not right" but it does add an extra twist, with them running, like in 28 Days Later

and by the way, i agree with an earlier post, i thought 28 Days Later was great, i couldnt get into 28 Weeks Later, the characters were not as good, and those kids being the focus annoyed me! It just turned a weird on me (28 Weeks Later) :hyper:

EDIT: by doing this, are you hinting at some Ninja Zombie action? LOL :ninja:

EDIT: i hope the fact that zombies are now running in films doesnt lead to a total re-invention of the original zombie and we end up with Zombie's hot-wiring cars and stuff, hacking into computer systems to storm some safe-camp peeps lodged in :rolleyes:

Although it made me chuckle, i really didnt like LAND OF THE DEAD (Romero), and the bit where the Zombie "euthanised" another zombie was just going too far with the "zombies have intelligence" theme

Can you imagine? the next thing is we'll have a group of Zombie's planning how to tactfully storm a building, there will be one Zombie ordering others about, saying things like "i want three zombie's down the left flank, watch out for friendlies" etc etc :rofl:

They might as well just completely evolve back into humans again. They get bit, die, then within a few days they back to their human state, all be it with a few chunks of flesh missing and needing a make-over
The recent Dawn of the Dead remake is by far my favorite. The Resident Evil movies are pretty good too, and 28 weeks later was decent.
What no mention of braindead! It's a classic, it's not scary but very very funny!

I also really love the japanese film wild zero, now that's a crazy funny zombie film which leaves you thinking...erm wtf just happened, totally bizarre and it features one of my fav bands, guitar wolf!!!

The Japanese (definately not the western version- the two versions are VERY different from each other) original version of The Ring was another very good horror movie, that zombie dead coming out of the tv girl freaked me out man Lol

I really like the ring films as well, it really really annoys me the way brilliant japanese films are given a 'western' makeover.

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