Fish Fanatic
Mine cranks out a nice steady supply every time the AC or Heater comes on. It's not enough for large tanks getting weekly but for smaller needs it's a viable alternative and/or supplement. That's one of the problems with a hobby that in general is harmful and wasteful to the planets water reserves which, as you should be aware, are not endless and becoming scarce in many locations. We're always walking that fine line between can we and should we. I don't like the no change options but I can see how some would prefer them and some locations may eventually legally mandate them if not banning wastes of potable water entirely which hobby fish keeping falls under. One of the reasons I closed my first store was to go full time into my parents well drilling business since a major drought was starting up and thousands of wells were failing. Part of me wants to go bigger, more and everything. Another part thinks I shouldn't be touching this hobby with a 10 foot pole for the sake of the planet. At least dehumidified water if collected in a clean manner, is moisture that's not taking away from alternative sources that may not last.
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