OMG I fell in love with this guy... I want him!!! But I'd have nowhere to put him, and he's too expensive for me... LOOK AT THOSE PATTERNS ON HIS FINS!! I can't believe it, it looks like a tiger or a leopard.
This is one of the Bettas that ive seen recently. Very nice 8) 8) How much would people expect to pay for it, considering postage? Thinking of getting it you see...
Whats up with this Betta? is this seller serious or just trying to make the male sound all rare and stuff? <- is not as familiar with the rare wild breeds, but it looks sort of like a regular plakat to me?
Ahh, okay, so its more of a bloodline than a new rare and never before seen Species. Sort of like if I was to say our horse is the grand-daughter of Secretariat. Pity she has a club hoof and thus has never been raced.