The Best Of Aquabid

Has anyone got anything shipped to Australia off aquabid before? Im on the hunt for a female and am worried if it comes from another country it will die on the way here.....


These all just make me drool.

:( Why won't my parents let me?!?! I'm trying to persuade them to let me have my auntie & uncles tank which they don't want any more (BiOrb :D)
Soooo want one of these :X
They are all like - WOW!!!!

BTW, anybody else having trouble getting on AquaBid today? Maybe God is trying to tell me something - LOL!!!
Yeh I know - living i the UK is (in this case ;) ) a bummer.

I sooo want one of them :( I love butterfly halfmoons and mustard gas halfmoons. :wub:

Oh - by the way - what are the ones called that have sort of spikey, raggedy looking fins? (Great description, I know lol)

Yeh I know - living i the UK is (in this case ;) ) a bummer.

I sooo want one of them :( I love butterfly halfmoons and mustard gas halfmoons. :wub:

Oh - by the way - what are the ones called that have sort of spikey, raggedy looking fins? (Great description, I know lol)


I believe they're called CT's or Crowntails .. a white and marble-blue one is expected on my doorstep in a few days time!!! :hyper:

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